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Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 1 & Part 2


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Those of you who know me well will know I have casually done this for the past three years, I'm doing it a bit early this year as I plan to be away later this summer and I'm currently sat on a ship in the North Sea with nothing else to do.

This year I have decided to step it up a bit. I'm using my blog http://www.vhcoasters.com to post a series of three articles this week. As usual though I shall post them directly here as this is where I posted the first one 3 years ago. Those of you who saw the last three years I did this will know most of the graphs in the first section. The second and third sections will take things a bit further.

Anyway the first article I posted is below.

I am a geophysicist by trade so the combination of maths and roller coasters has a certain charm for me at the same time this is all for fun and the numbers should be taken with a pinch of salt. I shall explain why as we progress but in essence as we go back in time the numbers are harder to verify and there is always going to be a little error room with all the facts and figures found on the Internet. All numbers used here unless stated otherwise are taken from the excellent RCDB on the 27th of July 2013 and all errors and mistakes are my own.

So without further ado lets looks at some figures.

First up let's simply look at the countries who have the most roller coasters. Below is a selection of countries with a good collection of coasters.


Interestingly this is the 4th year I have done this and the first year that the RCDB lists more operating rides in China than the USA.

The USA and China are the places to live for the sheer number of Roller Coasters, Together they have more roller coasters than every other country in the table combined. Meanwhile the UK and Japan are punching well above their weight for their size while the rest of the list is a bit of a random jumble.

This list only tells part of the story however. If we start to look at other factors we can begin to get a better picture of where is best to live for the dedicated enthusiast. For the graph below I took that latest census results available from each country in the list and compiled a graph listing the number of people (in 1000s) per roller coaster in each country.


The thing to remember here is that the smaller the number the better. For example, In China there are 1,915,000 people for every roller coaster. However in Denmark there are only 144,000 per coaster. The USA fairs fairly well here too and the smaller European countries all do well. One thing is for sure, If theme parks take off in India there may be some huge queues to start with.

Another thing to take note of here is that the graph only shows the 21 countries with high coaster counts that I picked from the RCDB. If I was to plot up countries such as Nigeria or Senegal which all have really low coaster counts and high populations they would have really high ratio's and dominate the top of the graphs.

However this isn't the only factor we could use to help us here though. There is no point in having a decent number of roller coasters if you have to travel for days to get there. So I took data on the size of each country and calculated how many roller coasters there are per square mile. (Australia you would do poorly here I'm afraid)


This time larger numbers are better. Russia loses badly here but then again most of Russia is a barren frozen tundra not really conducive to a good theme park. Again as is to be expected the smaller countries do well while the USA does slightly poorer this time and finishes in a very similar spot to China.

On a side note, if the Vatican built an Intamin mega coaster it would instantly reach the top of both these graphs.

Let’s leave this train of thought for a while and look at the state of the industry as a whole. Below is a graph showing the number of roller coasters which have opened worldwide in the last 20 years. It is worth noting that as this graph is based on data from the RCDB and as such figures for earlier years are likely to be less accurate than more recent ones.


Worldwide it looks like the industry is in pretty good shape. 2000 was an excellent year possibly because many parks built rides to celebrate the passing of the millennium. While it’s unlikely the 2013 numbers are complete yet they are already higher than 2012 which is a good sign.

To get a more complete picture I also decided to take a look at how many coasters have closed over the same period of time.


While the 2013 figure here is almost certainly unreliable and real numbers for 2013 are likely to come out towards the end of the year, it does appear though that the number of rides closing has steadily increased over the years. Again this could be down to uncertain closing dates on rides prior to 2003 or it could be down to simple economics and the recent recession. However it’s good to note that we are still building more rides than we are removing which means we are still in credit.

As a side note due to the way the RCDB works, relocated rides are counted as both closed and opened so will feature on both graphs.

Before moving on I decided to look at many people’s favourite type of roller coaster and look at wooden roller coasters, the next graph shows the number of wooden rides built over the last 20 years.


As you can see the market is small but fairly steady. It’s dropped a bit over the last 10 years compared to the 1990′s but this could be down to economics. 2000 was a great year for wooden rides but amazingly 7 of the 16 wooden rides built in 2000 are already closed. With the success of Outlaw this year I am hoping we will see a resurgence of wooden rides in the next few years.

Now let’s get a more precise picture of the industry and have a look at some continents individually. The graph below shows the number of coasters built each year in Asia, Europe and North America over the last 20 years. Sorry Australia, South America and Africa you would all be way down the graph. (Don’t worry Antarctica is even lower, Penguins don’t ride roller coasters much)


The interesting thing to note here is that while the numbers in North America have decreased quite a lot, numbers in Asia have increased by a similar amount. (Europe has stayed fairly steady throughout) While there are likely to be economic factors at work here another point to consider is that each company can only build a certain number of rides each year. If the rides are being built in Asia then they can’t be built elsewhere.

Taking this one step further we can have a look at the same graph using the top country in each continent. The graph below shows the number of coasters built in China. the USA and the UK over the last 20 years.


The graph looks remarkably similar to the previous one. What this graph does show well is just how many new rides are being built in China right now compared to just 10 years ago. The USA is actually building more rides in 2013 than it was in 1994 but still nothing like the heady heights of 2000. Interestingly many people in the UK consider 1994 a brilliant year with the construction of Nemesis, The Big One and Shockwave but it’s actually one of the least active years on the graph. But quality not quantity hey?

After this I decided to take a look at what proportion of new roller coasters the USA and China are building within their respective continents. The following two graphs show this as percentages.



As expected the USA takes up the lion’s share of coasters built in North America, Only dipping below 80% in 2009 and 10. This is in stark contrast to the Chinese market which has gone from almost nothing in 2000 to over 75% in 2013.

That’s it for the first section of this series. The next section will focus on the breakdown of coaster types around the world, the Top 100 coasters and B&M rides.
Re: Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 1

I agree with what's being said and you have done a great work so far.
But I have to point out that the second paragraph about how many coasters are there per population in these countries. The paragraph would get much more accurate if you'd count all countries in. For example, I'm pretty sure that there are more people per coaster in Nigeria than in India, there are even more people per coaster in Croatia than in Mexico, although it is much smaller, but has only 1 coaster comparing to 36 that Mexico has.
Re: Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 1

This is true and I shall edit it to highlight that. This is very much a work in progress so any thoughts or highlighted errors I can include or fix would be appreciated.

While I would love to do it for every country... I just don't have that kind of patience to write down all the stats in my spreadsheet :p
Re: Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 1

Really liking it so far, didn't know about any of those facts.
Re: Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 1

I love this idea, its really interesting to see all these facts surrounding coasters. I never really thought about stuff like this before, and I can't wait for the rest of it!
Re: Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 2

Thanks for the comments guys. It's greatly appreciated.

As seen in the last section China has more roller coasters than anywhere else these days so I thought it would be interesting to break this down a bit.

As anyone who has been to parks in China knows Spinning Mice, Powered Coasters and Jungle Mice are ubiquitous. Thankfully the RCDB puts all these rides into their own subsets so it's possible to make a break down for each country.

Below are two pie charts comparing the USA and China which shows the percentage of rides that fall into these subsets in each country. The slice labelled other rides will in theory include all larger and theoretically more thrilling rides (However Junior rides like roller skaters are included in Other)



Amazingly (or perhaps not) Wild and Jungle Mice take up over a third of all coasters in China while the featured ride types alone make up almost 60%. This is in comparison to the USA where all the featured ride types make up only 13% of all coasters. There are of course other types of family rides in the USA and China but this graph is just handy as a simple guide.

Moving on to something a bit different I decided to take a look at the top 100 roller coaster according to the popular Mitch's Poll. I took the top 100 rides from the 2012 poll results and split them up by manufacturer. Below is a graph showing a breakdown of the top 100 by manufacturer.


Impressively B&M have 45 of the top 100 coaster while Intamin take up 26. Other manufacturers split up the remaining 29. If we take a look at just the top 50 then Intamin and B&M take up an even larger chunk of the pie.


Intamin increase their slice significantly here compared to B&M which suggests the rides Intamn do have in the poll are tend to be in the top 50. Both companies are well known for building quality roller coasters and these graphs show their reputation is well deserved. B&M currently have 85 operating rides worldwide and Mitch’s poll puts the 10 rides with the Batman: The Ride layout together, this means that out of 85 total coasters, 54 of those (63.5%) are in the top 100.

Below is a simple graph showing the number of operating coasters from all the companies which had coasters in the top 100 with the addition of a Zamperla, Togo and Golden Horse for comparison. (and a little amusement)


This shows that quantity certainly isn't quality with the most plentiful 4 firms only contributing 2 of the top 100 coasters. There are a couple of things to mention about this graph. First is that it includes both steel and wood coasters. Secondly is that due to the way the RCDB lists things it includes rides which companies may only have worked on in part. For example both Giovanola and Intamin worked on Shockwave at Drayton Manor, UK so it will be counted under both companies.

On a side note Arrow without S&S would place just below Mack while S&S would sit between Giovanola and Premier.

I decided to take a closer look at the top two companies from Mitch’s poll B&M and Intamin and see how their rides break down in terms of Geographical spread.

The following 2 graphs show how Intamin and B&M’s rides are split worldwide.



These graphs show the number of rides in the labels rather than percentages but it’s clear the biggest market over the years for both companies is North America with Europe second and Asia catching up in third. The lack of B&Ms in Africa, South America and Australia could be due to the high cost of one of their rides being out of reach for smaller parks.

While both companies are doing well in Asia they will suffer competition from local Chinese firms who don’t always follow copyright law. While no direct knock off B&M’s or Intamins have surfaced yet Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment and Golden Horse both offer B&M imitations. Hebei Zhongye Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing are also constructing the delayed 11 looping coaster at Jinling Happy World which looks very similar to the Intamin multiloopers.

Talking of everyone’s favourite IAAPA cast out’s Golden Horse. Here’s how their rides break down geographically.


All but two of their rides reside in Asia (119 of the 131 are in China). The two that can be found in North America are bizarrely found in Honduras.

Moving back to more popular companies I decided to break B&M's coaster output down a bit more. The graph below shows how all their rides are split by type. For this graph I used all rides built up until 2013 so it includes the Flying Over The Rainforest and Nitro but does not include the wing coaster due to open at Heide park in 2014.


Inverted Coasters are clearly their largest market although we haven't seen many built in recent years. Wing coasters already take up 7% while Stand-Ups have stayed stagnant for years.

Seeing this made me wonder exactly how B&M's output varies year on year. The next graph is quite confusing to begin with but it shows the percentage of B&M's output each year which has been taken up by any given coaster types. Worth noting is that relocated rides are not counted, So in all these graphs Iron Wolf was built in 1999 and is not shown when it was relocated in 2012.


Looking at this you can see the Stand-Ups in blue which disappear after 1999 while in 2013 Wing Coasters take up the majority of B&M's output. The graphs shows the popularity of their Inverted rides has died off since the 1990s The Flying Coasters have not be particularly consistent sellers while the Mega Coasters have performed strongly recently.

B&M have been building rides for almost quarter of a century now so I decided to take a look at one measure of how their rides have progressed. I took the average height of rides built each year and put the results in the graph below to show how the average height of their rides has increased over time.


Here we can see a slow but steady increase in the average height of the rides built each year by B&M. Unfortunately I could not find information on the height of either Hair Raiser or G5 so they are not included. However they are unlikely to have affected the graph significantly.

Interestingly if you stacked up every B&M built so far on top of each other they would stand around 12,300ft tall. Almost enough to reach Lake Titicaca the world's highest navigateable lake.

That's it for section 2 next time I'm going to have a look at the parks themselves before goofing around a bit with some stupid statistics.
Re: Fun With Statistics 2013 - Part 2

roomraider said:
Impressively B&M have 45 of the top 100 coaster while Intamin take up 26. Other manufacturers split up the remaining 29. If we take a look at just the top 50 then Intamin and B&M take up an even larger chunk of the pie.

I did an exercise a little while ago in the "Are B&M better than Intamin" topic thing. I did a similar thing, counting how many Intamin and B&M coasters hit the top XX in MHP.

However, I then issued them points based on position. So if you were doing a top 100, first place would net you 100 points, second 99 points, etc, etc, etc. Based on position, I think Intamin came out better as they have more better positioned rides. I only did the top ten or twenty though.

Of course, it's not accurate as the points system is arbitrary.

roomraider said:
The following 2 graphs show how Intamin and B&M’s rides are split worldwide.



All fantastic stuff so far :)
Just wanted to echo what others have said. Love this topic every year, always really enjoy reading it.

I also had no idea that there are that many Golden Horse coasters :o
Yeah, I kinda feel guilty posting as I don't have anything constructive to add, but just wanted to let you know roomraider that I've read through it all and its certainly interesting taking a different look on things. Top work.