Can't download the track so I can't give a review of the ride...
Anyway I do like them graphs since they is a good tool to use when designing a ride. They are a bit sketchy in their wording so they are pretty hard to understand. For a novice, so here is a short simplification:
This first image shows
launch g's over time, basically what's the limit on how long a launch with a certain power could be or vice versa.
So for example, if you are planning on using a 4 g launch on your coaster it can only be a maximum of 4 seconds long, before your normal rider would feel uncomfortable. However having said this, most launch coasters get no way near any of this limit at all, but stay well under it, an example of this is TTD which have a launch force of about 2 g's under 3.3 seconds...
Second image shows
braking g's over time, how big break force your coaster can have over a certain period of time, (i.e. how many g's acceleration you can put in your brake force in NL).
In this case there is a couple of different lines, "base-case" is trains with lap-bars only as a restraint which really only allows for a maximum -1.5 g's of acceleration (in NL this number should be positive since it uses the "Deceleration" rather than "Acceleration", Deceleration = Acceleration * -1), then you have one line that represents trains with OSTR's, and then a third one with "Prone" restraints which is similar to what you find on Flyers. In reality no coaster comes noway near this limit, but stay at around 1 g of deceleration force, OSTR or not...
The next one covers
airtime over time, how long time you are allowed to have a certain force...
This one is more according to reality there are coasters that pull around -1.5 g's of airtime, but only for a very short time, also I don't know any coasters that have air-time longer than a few seconds at a time, so this graph is a bit redundant really. Same thing here about prone restraints you get the force in a whole other direction compared to sitting up which is why it's different...
And finally
vertical g's over time, simple maximum vertical g in a helix, pull-up, loop, etc.
As an example, you have a helix that "pulls" 3 g's, then the absolutely maximum length of this force it 11.8 seconds before you must end it so that the rider takes damage, the more force the shorter the amount of time you can "pull" it. This is the graph that you really have to pay attention at since it's the one that is easiest to go beyond the limit at...
Note that these are absolute maximal limits, however most of the modern rides are way below this, in most cases, all for rider comfort..