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First ever Fright Nights - 4th October 2024


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This was my first ever Fright Nights, and I was accompanied by my friend @Coasterfreck :) It definitely enhanced the experience having such a knowledgeable guide :D Here is my review of Day 1, as well as a quick summary of days 2 and 3 - apologies in advance for it being so long!


Day 1
We started on Colossus due to Hyperia having a delayed opening - this was also my first time riding with my transition lens glasses thanks to my glasses strap. They definitely enhanced the ride experience, I sometimes struggle with rides when it's sunny due to the brightness playing havoc with my sensory issues


Nemesis Inferno came next (back row!), this was on one train which was sadly reflected by slower operations. Staff were brilliant at keeping people informed of this though and kept operations as smooth as possible! We saw Hyperia testing while we were on Nemesis' lift hill so headed there after getting our photo.


At this point I was extremely glad I had brought my collapsible stool with me, as it meant I could sit comfortably watching Hyperia test without worrying about how I would get back to standing! Watching Hyperia test was slightly nerve-wracking as I was worried about it valleying again, but extremely interesting :) Hyperia was also only on the one train which unfortunately meant slow operations again, however staff were once again brilliant at keeping people informed of this and keeping operations as smooth as possible despite the much longer than normal queues!


After lunch we did Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (I did it twice), then Flying Fish - absolutely loved the operator for Fish that day, they kept returning our double waves with equal if not higher enthusiasm than us! Don't know their name but they had short blue hair. After that was Dobble's Tea Party before Walking Dead (via SRQ). Got back row, and was riding with someone who was experiencing it for the first time which was extremely fun.


When 3pm hit it was time for mazes - started at Coasterfreck's favourite maze of 2023 at SuperSpark Cinema.

Trailers: 9.5/10
This was my first time ever doing a scare maze, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Immediately upon starting the maze I loved the Director's performance in the pre-show, and experienced more jump scares than I expected. Things that happened to me inside specific rooms are in the spoilers in case you want to remain surprised by the contents :)

Over the times I did Trailers, I got put into the cage by the Buckwheats several times, momentarily confused one of Bozo's clowns by doing a crab pose at them when they were doing a similar pose at me, and got scared through the curtain by a sleeper as I didn't notice they were there!

The sleepers more than lived up to the anticipation that was built up by Coasterfreck, the movements they made were so eerie - they didn't need to get close to me to scare me!

I also got chased out several times, had several brilliant scares and several laughs at other people being scared too :) What would increase it to a 10 for me is if the actors were able to touch you like they can in Survival Games.

After Trailers it was time to head to Howell's Toy Emporium!

Stitches: 5/10
This was quite a unique experience, loved the pre-show by the Toymaker. The actor playing them on my Day 1 run included movements that reminded me of a doll. My favourite part of the maze was when I accidentally went the wrong way and encountered a toy soldier - initially didn't understand that they were trying to redirect me so returned their salute, but eventually realised. Think this is such a brilliant way of keeping people on the right path! Accidentally came across the actor run twice as well, which I found very interesting.

Was a sighted guide for Coasterfreck through the spider room due to his arachnophobia - this room was actually a bit disappointing for me, I love spiders so was expecting it to be scarier than it was.

This was a maze I struggled with due to my sensory difficulties (particularly with smells and sounds), however it was manageable for me.

Overall this is definitely a maze I will do again, however I won't loop it like I have Trailers and Survival Games.

After liking both mazes I had done at this point, I purchased the Frequent Fears maze pass.

Survival Games: 9/10 on Day 1, increased to 9.5 on Day 2
My first run was better than my second on Day 1, all but 1 of my Day 2 runs were brilliant. On my first run I wasn't separated from Coasterfreck in the pre-show (was expecting to be), however I was separated from him after I stayed nearby to laugh at him being scared 💀 Loved the fact the actors can touch you, it enhanced the experience for me. The actors were so intimidating, I felt like I had to follow their commands even if they didn't touch me and I knew it was just an act!

Loved being chased out the maze, and the fact there are two possible sides to be put in for the pre-show. Also loved the fact I could be grabbed from behind, sometimes the best scares are the ones you can't see coming!

I kept encountering 2 actors (one with curly hair a similar height to me, and one really tall guy with a beard). Because they recognised me as a repeat maze-doer they kept targeting me in the maze which was extremely fun - had good interactions with them when I saw them outside the maze too!

I also got mistaken for a scare actor by members of the public in the maze a couple of times due to my makeup which was funny - especially when an actor came up behind me while I was reassuring a member of the public that I wasn't one, then turned to see the scare actor right behind me!

Only thing that would make this a 10 for me is the runs being more consistent, as it was a bit hit and miss (the runs that were a miss were still fun, just not quite brilliant)

After Survival Games it was time for the last night party.

Dead Beat: 1/10
This was an extremely disappointing maze for me - don't know if I just got a bad run, but it just felt like walking through a ****ty nightclub rather than a scare maze for me.

The only vaguely interesting part (what made it a 1 rather than a 0) was when one of the non-human characters jump scared me through a curtain (which I thought was them showing me I was going the wrong way because of my Stitches experience), then them gesturing for me to come with them after I said "oh, wrong way, okay". It then became boring again after all they did after I followed was point to where I should be going.

The first room smelt really badly of urine and vomit, the smell was easier to cope with after that room though - would definitely recommend holding your nose through the first room!

The score was probably slightly being hurt by being the last maze I did, however I don't think it would have scored much higher if it wasn't. Left it feeling annoyed that I had paid to do it - I ordered the ticket prior to the theme being revealed, might have reconsidered buying the ticket if I'd known the theme as the concept didn't really work for me.

When it hit 6pm, it was time for food then NIGHT RIDES! We did Swarm (front row) and Nemesis Inferno (row 4) before heading to Hyperia


We had bought one-shot fast track tickets for this to ensure we could get more than 1 night ride, however unfortunately due to backlog from 3.5 hours downtime the fast track queue took almost an hour to get through (thanks once again collapsible stool!) After we joined the queue, saw online that at one point it was out the queue line entrance! The experience was worth every penny and every minute of the wait though, especially since we continued my back car streak by getting row 9 :)


Finished the day with two back-to-back rides on Flying Fish in the back row which were 5 laps each!


Days 2&3 / Overall Summary
Over the course of the weekend, I experienced Trailers a total of 17 times, Survival Games a total of 5 times, Stitches twice and Dead Beat once. Trailers and SG are tied for my favourite maze, and Dead Beat is by far my least favourite. My Frequent Fears maze pass also paid for itself!

Saw the operator from Day 1 Fish on Day 2 - unfortunately forgot to ask their name, but thanked them for making my Day 1 rides on Fish so special!

Hyperia's one train operations seemed to improve as staff got used to it, however it was still noticeably slower than normal. Felt sorry for the Hyperia staff as they had a late finish all 3 days due to the queue line not closing until 9pm each time. I also did Hyperia with my eyes closed on Day 3 (except for station, photo and break run) to experience it truly pitch black. It was so much more intense, not knowing what was coming next made it terrifying at times!

I got a first ever front row ride on Fish, and had night experiences on everything I wanted except Samurai, Vortex, Zodiac and Quantum (their times will come). Detonator's night experience was terrifying as I didn't hear the voiceover so had no warning of the drop!

The Creature Campus show was fun to watch and a good break from rides, and I had very fun interactions with two of the actors from the Lucifer scare zone (one followed me through it admiring my vampire bite makeup, and I had a staring contest complete with head tilts with another). The Mawkin scare zone was slightly disappointing for me, but think this was due to doing it while it was still light.

Loved dressing up for the occasion, it led to a lot of fun interactions (particularly ones where I was mistaken for being a scare actor). Didn't particularly understand why I was being mistaken for one but like the interactions it resulted in :)

Looking forward to the rest of Fright Nights, and future Fright Nights too!!!
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