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Do you read comics?

Do you read comics?

  • Yes, every other day or more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now and then

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Comics are for 5-year-olds (means 'no')

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What is a comic?

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  • Total voters


Mountain monkey
Staff member
Easy enough, and no one have posted in such a topic for at least seven months...

I was going to ask first what your favourite comic was, but I felt that I had to include a poll.

Therefore, the questions is: Do you read comics regulary?
To avoid lots of 'yes' or 'no' posts, I also will ask: Which is your favourite?
Strips, magazines, manga, or album, it doesn't matter.

As for myself, I have read and collected Donald Duck magazines for twelve years in March. My room is filled with them.
Also, the Norwegian comic 'Pondus' is hilarious. I know that it has been translated to English, but I don't know whether it is common or not.
In the loft I have over 1000 comics from my childhood. They are mainly Beano and Dandy comics. I don't read them anymore but I don't have the heart to chuck them out.

I've always loved comics and would much rather read one than a book.

The only comic I read nowadays is Viz (an 'adult' toilet humour comic). I have a subscription for Viz and it pops through my letterbox every five weeks, so I'm a "now and then".
I used to get the beano every thursday but lost intrest in them and stopped getting it.

I do get the yearly beano books though.
No, except once in a major blue moon.

Half the time I don't even really find the comics funny. Marmaduke is just so absoloutely stupid and ridiculous that it actually is funny.

But yeah I'll just go for no because I rarely ever read them.
I've never ever read comics, they've never sparked an interest in me or entertained me.

When I'm working though and on lunch breaks I'll always have a good snoop in the gossip magazines - since you've included them :lol:

Hairdressers are full of them!!

But still, not THAT often, they get boring pretty quickly :lol:

SO I'll vote "now and then".
I'm not a fan of comics but I used to read the Beano and still buy the annuals.

I prefer reading books though.
I always read the comics in the newspaper almost every day. Some of them are pretty funny, actually!
Not to often because I find that the story sticks in you head more with just the text in a book.
But I have just finished reading the 'heroes' comics. :D
I am surprised... It just might be that I have grown up in a country where everybody read comics, and got used to that (yes, we're second to Japan in comics reading), but still, I had expected that more of you did. Have any of you read anything by Don Rosa? That's comics at its best.
If no one here know about him, I might as well get a mod to lock this topic...
I used to read those card back Marvel comics when I was about 12/13. Not the flimsy ones for 5 years olds with a free lolly. I pretty much got bored of those though.

The films still kick ass though.
I used to buy the Beano when I was younger, and I still have some of them, but I don't read them.

I don't really read at all anymore :).
I've always appreciated comics, but have never been a massive fan or a collector. That said, I'll occasionally find something that I really like.

As far as I'm concerned, the greatest story ever told in comic format has to be Transmetropolitan by the mighty Warren Ellis. It's definitely not one for the kids. It's bleak, offensive, sometimes even uncomfortable to read, but hilarious and though provoking in equal measure.

After watching the (in my opinion, excellent) film V for Vendetta, I finally got around to picking up the graphic novel a few months ago, and was very impressed.

Finally, the only comic I follow on a regular basis is an online comic called User Friendly. If you're an IT geek, you'll probably find it hilarious. If not, most of the jokes will probably be lost on you.
They've never been my thing really. I used to by Viz when I was a teenager, but haven't looked at one for years now.

Obviously, anyone over 10 who reads comics=

And so the stereotype continues.

Not to say that it isn't accurate in a lot of cases, but there's a lot of great stuff out there. Like I said, Transmetropolitan certainly isn't aimed at (or appropriate for) anyone under the age of 18.
I did until I was about 9 years old when I stopped. I used to read the Beano, which defeats all other comics.
I can understand that you don't read comics if Beano is the best that you've got... Have only read one issue, but that was rather pointless and not funny at all. You're missing something big in Donald Duck...