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Do You Like Yourself?

I <3 Me

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Just my looks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just my personality

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Basically just what the title says; do you guys like who you are, based on your personality and your looks? What would you change if you could?
Everyone will say no, after all, there is no such thing as perfect. Even the most vein of people will find some imperfection within themselves.

And now to quote a joke: Am I satisfied with my body? A tiny part of me says no...

I don't have looks, I don't have charm, I don't have appeal, but I am happy with who I am. After all, that is what makes me me.

I would change my eyebrows, my eyesight, my height...the list goes on. But if I was offered the chance to change any of that, I wouldn't.
I have to be honest, I swing massively between a ridiculous arrogance and self-righteousness and an extreme self-loathing.

I hate my crushing lack of confidence. I hate how I can't talk to people I don't know on my own without shaking or my voice shaking. I hate how whenever I screw up a social interaction with someone I'll replay it in my mind OVER and OVER for hours, analyzing exactly what I did wrong. This analysis only serves to make me more shy, more closed in and more nervous in social situations, until I end up with phases that last months where I try to avoid speaking to anybody. And I especially hate how my conscience will criticize me for all that, labelling myself as somehow weak or pathetic.

I think a lot of people think that no-one likes them, and of course the classic response is always to say that's rubbish, "grass is always greener" ect. I think I'm different though. I'm not naive enough to say that nobody likes me, I do have a small number of very close friends, I just think I have a personality that people generally dislike and I guess I've come to accept that. Most social groups I'm in, I'm disliked or hated by the majority, but really liked by a few so I guess I am a Marmite person. You adjust to it, and find a sort of twisted amusement in provoking peoples dislike of you.

I'll type more coherently when it's not midnight sometime, this has turned into a bit of a misanthropic rant and I fear I may have killed the vibe of the topic. :p

Interesting topic though.
I made a topic like this a while ago. I'm happy how I am at the moment but there would be a couple of small things I would change if given the chance which is impossible.
Ciall said:
Am I satisfied with my body? A tiny part of me says no...

How tiny? :p

I do like myself. Not everyone is fully happy with themself, but if I had to settle.. I'd be perfectly fine with what I got.
I hate how whenever I screw up a social interaction with someone I'll replay it in my mind OVER and OVER for hours, analyzing exactly what I did wrong.

Haha, I do the exact same thing.

I actually realized I didn't answer my own question..

Looks- Compared to how I was a few years ago (ugly as sin according to a certain member who posted above me, haha) I'm pretty happy with how I look.. My boobs could definitely be a bit bigger and I could have a nicer mouth that doesn't like, hang open all the time.. But overall I don't think anyone would go "wow hideous" to me, so that's a plus.

Personality- I have to say I like who I am, but I can understand why people think I'm weird. I enjoy being different and I enjoy not being like everyone else whether it causes me to not be able to make friends easy. I can be lazy and a bit of a slob sometimes, and bossy/frustrated if I don't get my way, and possibly one of my biggest flaws is that I might like attention a little bit too much, but I think I'm a good person in the end :p .

I feel conceited suddenly.
I think everybody about them will have at least one little thing they'd like to change, and I'm no exception.

On the whole, though, I'm happy to be me. I rock.

On the subject of lacking confidence, I have this to say: confidence doesn't really exist. Saying you lack confidence is just a way of hiding behind something to protect yourself.

Imagine yourself as the most 'confident' person you can be, and make that image bright and vivid in your head. There's no reason you can't be that person. If you aren't happy with yourself, change yourself!
If you've ever had a proper conversation with me before (which is probably only a very few people on here), then you'ld know I absolutely hate pretty much everything about myself, and that I am probably the most pessimistic person ever. :(
Personality wise, I LOVE myself. I mean, after all, I DO have to live with it! :wink:

Being an over the top, fun loving person makes me smile inside. And seemingly lots of others as well; which is all that matters right? :p


Looks wise, I could do with losing some weight and such. But other than that I'm fine with me :)

It's not like I can do anything about it. I sometimes get really pissed off with people who are like "I'm ugly, no one likes me". Grow up I say.

I'm quite happy with myself. I'm not perfect, no-one is, so therefore I'm fine.
I'm generally happy with myself. I'm not perfect. Nobody is. You only get one body, and you may as well like it rather than hating yourself for having a big nose or something.
I really don't give a **** about what people think about me. Their oppinion really doesn't matter at all.
Actually, I don't care what I think about me. Starting to think over it just lowers one's self-esteem, it always does that in the end, so I decided just to skip it. Couldn't care less, really. Just be happy with the situation, improve it if you can (or bother), and settle with that.

And like Kim over here, I don't give a damn about what other people think about me. For example, I choose my clothes by the "top of the drawer"-method, and have never put anything in my hair that I haven't washed out again seconds later. Why care?