Well... nothing. I mean, it's attached to the rock underneath the snow, and that won't move during an avalanche. Also it's probably fairly near a lot of the pisted runs, which don't tend to suffer avalanches that regularaly. I really don't think avalanches are a problem for anything like this.CoasterCrazy said:Certainly looks crazy!But extremely fun at the same time...
But what happens if there's an avalanche?
Ollie said:Has anyone got an aerial picture of this as watching the video you lose orientation and which direction it's going. Will be interesting to see it's layout from atop down perspective.
The cars are dis-mounted from the track at the end of the run & you take them with you on the gondola (lift). When you get to the top, you get out of the gondola with your car & give it to the ride operator. He mounts it back on the track & off you go!Xpress said:How the HELL do they get the cars back to the top??