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Cop Out Competition Part 1 - Transport.


Staff member
If you've not already seen it, go here:

The idea of this guide is to introduce new RCT3'ers to the joys of basic tracked ride building. It will also show how to professionally use transport systems to connect the different areas of the park.

The challenge is simple - Build a transport ride that goes from the front entrance plaza of Guideland, through each of the themed areas and back again.

Guideland has the main entrance area, a Western themed area to the centre left (direct left of the entrance is for either the Western area to expand into, or for a new area), a Sci-Fi themed area at the top, and a Pirate area to the right of centre. The transport ride has to connect the main entrance area, Western area, central 'hill area' and Pirate. The Sci-Fi area would be nice if you find it possible, but I think you'll find the distance too great to pull it off successfully. Extra marks if you manage it though. I'm also not averse to multiple transport systems as you see fit.

This guide continues from the Transitions guide:
And the template can be downloaded here:
http://www.coasterforce.com/plugins/p20 ... itions.dat

Basic Gudielines
In addition to the main guidelines, these are also well worth taking into consideration.

- The transport ride has to fit into each areas theme nicely. A steam train running through a Sci-Fi world is wrong, so you may have to be clever in hiding the ride.

- The top of the hill in the central section is waiting for a major centre piece building to go onto it (in Part 2). Take that into account when you build (an obvious choice here would be to have the station integrated within the building ;) ).

- The ride needs the individual stations theming, and you can add other theming to make it more attractive. Just remember to leave the central area hill clear enough for building work in the future.

- The current areas and individual bits of theming can be altered. They must remain the same in essence, but they're not set in stone. If you're changing them, make sure you explain why and how in the guide you write.

- Land height is not set. It's very flat at the moment, feel free to change it.

- Remember: No Wild, Soaked or custom rides/theming allowed! No tunnels and no waterfalls!

- It has to be an easy to follow guide too, so step by step - starting with the absolute basics of putting down raised stations and building track. Imagine this is for somebody who has never read the instructions, or played an RCT game before.

- Be professional! No jagged land edges or floating scenery!

Deadline for this section is Sunday night. Post your finished guide in here.

Monday morning, I'll post the winner, and the next stage. That will be based on the park the winner of this stage.

Have fun!


CF Legend
Has anyone actually done the comp? Or are you still on part 1 (transport)? If so I'll give it a go ^_^


Staff member
Look at how on the ball I am on this one! :lol:

Erm, if people want to enter, then feel free. It would be nice if there was a little more RCT3 interest, but nobody seems to be really playing it any more :(

Anyway, if anyone fancies it, it's still here :)


I'll give this a go. Do you want screenshots or just the park file when I am done?


Staff member
Sorry, really not on the ball at all :lol:

I don't know if you did anything? Send me the file AND screenshots (if you were bothered doing it).

Really sorry about this, I've just been rubbish looking at the RCT stuff recently.


Staff member
It's been a sticky forever, you probably just never noticed it before :lol:

Erm, I don't know if this is something I'm really considering chasing up or not either :lol: