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Coasters A-Z


CF Legend
Neal is good at A-Z's, but cannot be arsed to do one for this, so to contribute to the topic I shall bring this up again.....

Neal in his upper-middle-class vein said:
However I can bring you my A-Z of Germania*...

A - ALWAYS blame the Germans
B - BLAME the Germans
C - CONSTANTLY blame the Germans
D - DON'T stop blaming the Germans
E - EVERYONE should blame the Germans
F - FOR GOD'S SAKE! Blame the Germans
G - GOOD times are had blaming the Germans
H - HILARITY ensues when blaming the Germans
I - I like blaming the Germans
J - JUST blame the Germans already!
K - KEEP on blaming the Germans
L - LEMMINGS would fall off a million cliffs to blame the Germans
M - MONOPOLY MAN blames the Germans
N - NEAL blames the Germans for EVERYTHING
O - OBVIOUSLY the Germans are to blame
P - PROBABLY the best thing to do is blame the Germans
Q - QUINTESSENTIALLY British people blame the Germans
R - REMEMBER to make the effort to blame the Germans
S - STUPIDITY surrounds those who do not blame the Germans
T - TOM does not blame the Germans (this is bad times)
U - UNIVERSALLY blame the Germans
V - VERY good times are had blaming the Germans
W - WILL finds it amusing when Neal blames the Germans
X - XENOPHOBES (like Neal) blame the Germans
Y - YOU should all blame the Germans
Z - ZZ Top blames the Germans

*No Germans were harmed/maimed/physically altered in any way in the making of this A-Z list.