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Coastermojis - The Picture Guessing Game


Mega Poster
Inspired by the queueline games on Sunday, I've created a few new picture puzzles for you all to work out. Since we covered the parks fairly comprehensively during the live, here's some coasters to guess!
  1. coastermojis4.png
  2. coastermojis2.png
  3. coastermojis3.png
  4. coastermojis1.png
Yes, some of these are more tenuous than others. Best of luck solving!
I'll maybe create more soon, but feel free to add some of your own to the thread!
I know 2, 3, and 4, but I'll only post one in order to give some others a fighting chance!

#2 is Ride to Happiness (Ride, 2, Happy, Ness)

Was fun!