I don't count them for a few reasons:
1. A single coaster can be massively different in terms of "ride quality" depending on where you sit on the train. The "different experience" argument fails here, each seat should be counted as a different ride experience.
2. If you count clones, then you should count relocated rides. It's all about "the clone is different because of location/theming/build". When you move a coaster, you change all of these things (by moving a coaster, you're altering tiny amounts of the build, therefore making it potentially as different as a clone). I don't count relocated rides, ergo I don't count clones.
3. It means I can walk past a coaster of a type I've been on before and not feel the urge to jump on it "for my count". It's a freedom thing
4. What is the benefit of counting clones? I can see an argument for counting say the Batman clones, but Big Apples? Super Dragons? Zierer Smalls? Pinfari Zbloody40s? Okay, here's the rant:
When you've been on a ride, you've been on it. You have a good idea what the experience is. I know that every Big Apple in the world has a ride experience of "dull as ****". I just don't need to ride any more to cement this as a fact. I knew it the first time I went on one. Why would I want to a) ride any more? b) present multiple ones proudly in a collection? It's just completely pants. I think my coaster count is something like 250 (I honestly can't remember), but without the complete bollocks, it's about 200. That's 200 individual rides. While "I've been on 250 coasters" is a good brag, it means nothing if 50 of those are just complete and utter tosh. My biggest issue is that people are tempted to either push around their coaster count as a reason why they should be respected ("I've been on 150 rides, you've been on 20, I know more about this than you" - the truth is that 100 of those rides are kiddie coasters and trash, but the 20 they're arguing against are world class rides the 150 owner could only dream of going on). It works inversely too, with somebody with a small coaster count perhaps bowing down too eagerly to somebody with a large count when they shouldn't for the previous reason.
The reason I realised this was simply my own count. I hit 100 coasters in 2006 and only 4 were outside of the UK. Something like 25% of my coasters were clones. At the time, CF didn't have too many people with big counts, and 100 was a substantial number. However, I talked on the forums to people with much smaller counts but realised they'd had coaster experiences one hundred fold better than mine. My count was absolutely no indicator of anything, yet everyone took it so seriously.
There are counter arguments though I'm happy to accept.
1) Bollocks to it, it's just fun.
2) I like to keep track of all the coasters I've been on using CoasterCounter (or whatever) and bollocks to it, it's just fun.
3) Riding clones means credit hunts, which means I'm travelling all over the country enjoying myself just to go on another clone. This supports the small parks and adds character to a site like CF. Bollocks to it, it's just fun.
4) When I'm with a group like CF, it's a laugh to go on this crap with others. Bollocks to it, it's just fun.
I'm happy to argue with people over this, but I actually don't care in the slightest - everyone should do whatever makes them happy. As long as that doesn't include clones... Or powered coasters... Or Hydro