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Cedar Point to remove WildCat

I don't as it means I won't get the credit :(

But I see the logic behind it. It's lived a long, long life and it's past its use-by date. At least Cedar Point are trying to keep things fresh.
And to be honest.. getting rid of WC to fix all the things they plan on... it is a worthy sacrafice. MF hasnt had a sexy lighting package in a decade.
So Magic Mountain gets the crown again by default after each park gets rid of one of their coasters. :lol:
Losing Wildcat is certainly better than Deja Vu. :wink:
I'm so-so about this decision.
I dont like them removing a roller coaster, but I guess if you had to choose, wildcat definitely would have been one of them.
I just dont understand the new sort of direction CP are going under the new CEO.
Its probably better for famliy business, but I dont give a crap about that haha.
I just want some new awesome rides.
It also seems like the record and competition with magic mountain has become non-existant or at least not important. Does anyone remember the days of the coaster wars? ahhhhh good times.
They are removing Wildcat to expand the midway, not for a new ride.

They had already started training this year's ride crew for the ride when the decision was made. They had also installed an elevator to make the ride ADA compliant in the off-season. Something must have broke and they just got tired of fixing it.

Expanding the midway there will allow more guests to watch the new night time show they removed the big screen for, but the midway was already huge there, so whatever.

Wildcat was a good midpoint between the kiddie coasters and the bigger stuff, so hopefully they replace it accordingly instead of shoehorning an el loco or zacspin just to try to get the coaster crown back.
rollermonkey said:
They had already started training this year's ride crew for the ride when the decision was made. They had also installed an elevator to make the ride ADA compliant in the off-season. Something must have broke and they just got tired of fixing it.

I have figured this was the case, but didn't know about the elevator. Are you sure that that was installed? Because if it was then that makes for pretty sound proof that the decision made due to a problem that arose during testing.
I have that from a former supervisor of several years, who went to greener pastures but is still in tight with the park.
I am pissed I missed the credit when I went but I wasn't a credit whore then, so I don't really care. IF they were to throw a zac spin there, I honestly see them putting in two right next to each other, for capacity. Or they will just double the size of it. Still, zacspin <3
Aw, Wildcat was always a really fun ride, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess! They better do something good with that area, but it never took up a large footprint anyway so I just don't really see them doing too much?
The memories I have of WildCat are being stuck in a slow moving queue and gut-wrenching brakes.

I'm quite surprised people aren't complaining about another Schwarzkopf "classic" disappearing.

It's interesting to read the ride will be sent to a recycling plant. Surely some small park, somewhere in the world would have wanted a Schwarzkopf "classic" on their books?
I'm a little happy with seeing this go. It was a fun ride, but as stated it's costing too much to keep and it's not bringing the bacon.

Maybe they can put a little spinner there instead. Except that might be as bad for ridership.
I am really disappointed about this. WC was always really fun. This means SFMM is the roller coaster capitol. *sigh* And, if SFMM is making a new coaster in 2013, CP will be two coasters behind! :cry: Wildcat...Rest in piece.
^ Not to worry, as there are already reasonably valid rumors going around of a $25 million investment for CP for 2013 as well...

Though WildCat was at the end of its life cycle, I am still saddened to see my first large roller coaster go. What ticks me off is that this was a last minute decision - they were already testing WildCat for the new season.

I would have instead loved to have seen WildCat run for one last season to give it a proper send off.
Some info for the 2012 season:


As well as a picture to show the concept art of "Celebration City" (new midway name)


It seems like a LOT was talked about in the Backstage Offseason Tour and something involving a proper dark ride was talked about as well as several other things in a video.

Please, read the link provided to know more

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