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Can you give?

Can you give?

  • Yup, I am pure as the driven snow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope, I am a hideously deformed leper

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hyper Poster
Following on from the blood topic, I thought I would try the online Q&A to see whether I could give blood.

It seems that I can't, not just for the obvious reason, but also because I have been outside of the UK in the last 12 months.

Why the hell is OS a big no no, the risks are 'slight'.

Anyway, Can you give Blood?


Hit the "Click Here" button.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Have you ever recived money for sex with drugs or money
I've never had sex with drugs or money. I prefer humans.

Anyway, I got a no, probably because I've been outside of the UK. FFS, do they dont want people to give blood?


Giga Poster
I just checked it out anyway even though I can't apply here. At the end it said I would have to phone and check before giving any blood because I had been out of the country, even though I've clicked 'no' for nearly all of the other questions about diseases.

I wouldn't be able to give some anyway, I'm too squeamish when it comes too blood and I always feel faint when I see some.


Mega Poster
Not allowed to because I am gay. How stupid is that?

Thankyou for your time but it seems you are not able to give blood. For more information on why men you have sex with men cant give blood click here.



CF Legend
I won't because the questionnaire said I can't. Also both my mum and dad have given blood and both of them said the people doing in (they both did it at different times and places) messed up. I can't remember what happened as I got told a long time ago but I think with my dad it involved them missing with the needle lots of times and he ended up with a swollen arm or something.

So even if I could I don't think I would.


CF Legend
Not allowed to as I am gay, so much for equal rights !

I did once give blood though as my dad needed a transfusion and they did not have enough of his blood type, I was only 11 though but that did not mean I was pure lol.


The Legend
Yes I can.. but normally.. because of the medication I'm on and the fact I'm in a sport all year round, I don't.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
I cannot as I am on an I.V. drug Remicade for Crohn's Disease.

I don't think the doctors would like me giving that out with my blood. :razz:


CF Legend
On the leaving the country thing, you can if it's to certain areas. Like, last time I went I was like "well, I've been to France, Belgium, Spain, US and Canada...?" and that was fine. As long as it's not like, Africa. Which is why the questionnaire is a little messed up.

Though, I kept quiet about the fact I obviously have AIDs from sleeping with a guy in one of those countries.

****ing disgusting policy dreamt up by scientists who blatantly want a bit of man-loving but are too ****ing ugly.

I mean, if complete female whores who take a different man every night can give blood, but I can't, well... **** the NHS. I'm also not an organ donor because if they want to be hypocritical and say my organs are fine, but my blood isn't, they can suck me royally.


Hyper Poster
I had to say yes to question 19, so I am afraid not, I can't donate my sweet breads when I die either, same reason.


Giga Poster
Well, there was that question which said: "have you been injected with drugs ever?"

This is stupid. I assume it means non-medicinal drugs, but as it doesn't specify that, then that means basically everybody has to answer yes because most UK citizens have probably had tetanus immusnisations or something like that.


Staff member
Social Media Team
Nope, because I dared to leave the U.K

....oh yeah and the whole liking cock thing

.... and giving blow jobs for smack.


CF Legend
It does make me laugh seeing as straight people have the same sex as two guys, and yes even straight people do the you know what thing lol.


CF Legend
Can I just ask because I'm confused now.... How the hell can two men having sex with eachother do anything different to blood as a man and a woman having sex with eachother? Or even two women for that matter!

That's ****ed up **** that is! :shock:


CF Legend
Neal its still a rule from the 80's when gay men got the blame for passing on HIV, and before they worked out anyone can catch it.