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Britains Got Talent


Strata Poster
So another reality TV show hits our screens for another year! And I know you're all watching!!

How are people finding it? I love these early audition shows as it makes me feel a whole lot better about myself.

Theres been some great people too though, that 47 year old woman who everyone pretty much laughed at pulled a ****ing astonishing voice out the bag, the dance group Flawless which has just been on too were pretty awesome.

Other than performing in front of the Queen though (and the £100,000 prize of course) you don't really get far with it as with many reality TV shows... Paul Potts who???


Mega Poster
I didn't know this was starting...I've been watching bits of Americas Got Talent...which has kept me slightly amused....might watch this on deamnd later if I need something to laugh at!


Mega Poster
I didn't even know it was starting so I only caught it from half way through. That dancer woman at the end, I thought she might have actually done more dancing than flashing but bless her, she wanted it so badly.

That singing family, you've gotta love 'em!


Hyper Poster
The greek father and son dancing were brilliant and made me laugh so much. :)

These early rounds are definatly the best part of the show


CF Legend
Pierre said:
Theres been some great people too though, that 47 year old woman who everyone pretty much laughed at pulled a <img> astonishing voice out the bag, the dance group Flawless which has just been on too were pretty awesome.

Pretty much that.

I had a bad feeling about that little old lady thinking she would be embarrassingly bad. Then she sang and opinion changed.

I do have a feeling she won't win


Found her.


Strata Poster
What great viewing BGT is! And after last Saturdays listings, I'm so glad that it's back. Finally, something decent to watch on Saturday nights...

As for the acts, the 'gansta' dance group were the only act I think will have any chance of winning from this weeks bunch, but after hearing the ugly woman sing beautifully, anything could shock me this year :p


Giga Poster
That old lady was amazing and the way they had built it up to fool most people by thinking she was going to be rubbish was great. Her voice was amazing and she must be one of the favourites for it already. People will definitely vote for her I think.

My favourite act so far from the show.



Staff member
Social Media Team
^Yeah she was great. The way she built it up by talking about giving up her dancing, crying about missed opportunities, showing old clips...then she basically gets her tits out and shakes them. Brilliant.

And yeah, the woman with cats singing I Dreamed a Dream was great. It's one of my favourite songs, so I was ready to hate it, but she was great.


CF Legend
Some of the acts make me absolutely cringe, they're so bad and yet either don't realise or just don't care. The guy with the Ferrero Rochés, I mean, what the hell?

I do enjoy BGT more than X Factor though as it has much more variety, I get bored of singers all the time.

Flawless were amazing.


Strata Poster
Hahahaha that 60 year old guy who dreamed of living upto his idol Gene Kelly by performing at the variety show... and then just waving his arms about hahahahaha quality crack.

Edit : HERE



Hyper Poster
I only watch for the wierdos at the start of the programs, the American ones are the best for them, and for watching all the X-Factor people try to sing Chasing Carsa and cock it up after 3 lines as always. Has anyone actually managed to sing that on X-Factor? They all try, but never actually manage.


Giga Poster
Pierre said:
Hahahaha that 60 year old guy who dreamed of living upto his idol Gene Kelly by performing at the variety show... and then just waving his arms about hahahahaha quality crack.

:lol: , I was waiting for him to start and then blow the judges away with something special but he never got going. They built it up so much. Thats the good thing about the show, you never know if the next person is going to be good or crap.


CF Legend
Didn't see this topic down here lol.

My favourites from the first episode were Susan Boyle, Flawless and that singing family.

That old man who waved his arms was hilarious though. :p


Giga Poster
The problem is that they have hyped up Susan Boyle too much. She is all over the place at moment, radio, tv, internet and even being interviewed on US tv. I'd want to hear her sing a few more times before deciding how good she really is.

Nobody else on the show will probably stand a chance even if they are very talented at what they do. I think they should have waited until the end of the auditions before showing her. Shes already probably won the thing. Simon Cowell will probably just squeeze as much money he can out of her while he can, then a few years later nobody will remember her.


CF Legend
I've watched it a few times now, and she needs to sort her accent out, it's too thick when she sings. And she misses a couple of notes, and a few aren't quite right because her accent overpowers them a bit. Other than that <3


CF Legend
I knew she was good before I saw her. It was a great voice, but she was nervous and you could kinda hear it.