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Boulder Dash is Coaster Tournament Champ!


Hyper Poster
Well it's a guarantee that for the third year in a row a wooden coaster will take the Coaster Tournament Championship. Will T Express repeat or will Boulder Dash claim the title?

Remember to read the Rules & Info topic before voting: http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... hp?t=26406 You may vote once for each match. Go to the brackets and click on the coaster name to view it's RCDB page.

You can visit the brackets at: http://www.bracketmaker.com/tlist.cfm?tid=321122

Today's Match #7 of the World Bracket.

C- T Express, Everland


H- Boulder Dash, Lake Compounce

Boulder dash is better than El Toro and Balder put together, so theres no way T Express should win!!



H for exactly the same reasons Jake says - better than the two rides that make T-Express :)
seriously tough choice - particularly as I haven't been on either of them, but for the interaction with the trees and hillside,


H Boulder Dash

After watching POV's and listening to Ben, Jake and Furie it has to be. I have done Balder and it was totally over rated, so if T-Express is even a bit like it I will probably not like it.

Plus that brake on T Express near enough stops the train, this equals bad times.
As great as T-Xpress looks against the hill side, I've got to say Boulder Dash.

H- Boulder Dash

I've been avoiding these topics until now, but this one merits a post. When those of us who have ridden Boulder Dash post about how good the ride is, we're really not exaggerating. Boulder Dash is in a completely different league to the Intamin airtime machines, both those with large hills and sustained airtime (Superman/Bizarro, El Toro) or smaller, sharp pops of airtime (Piraten). There is no comparison. Boulder Dash blows the Intamins out of the water.

Besides, the overall layout of T-Express looks terrible.

Edit: I just noticed that the Boulder Dash POV is an old one from 2003. That's before it was re-tracked to feature the double-down/triple up section towards the end. Believe me, that POV doesn't do the ending justice. These days, you're in and out of your seat about five times in three seconds on the return stretch.
I'll close off the votes with:

That means Boulder Dash is the 2009 CF Coaster Tournament champion and means a woodie has won the tournament all three years I've been doing this.

I would like to thank everyone who voted and participated in the tournament as well and would love some feedback on it if you want to PM me any ideas or thoughts. (I know I already have gotten some.)

Also lastly I have to thank Phil, Gavin and any other site/management team members that helped keep it all organized as well!