Giga Poster
This is quite an obvious topic so i apologise if something similar has been done recently. This is just a topic to discuss you're favourite theme parks and why you think they are so good. I have about 5 theme parks that i love so much i struggle to order them, and i can't decide which one is my favourite. I know my profile says my favourite park is Europa Park but i am not 100% sure it is. Europa has lovely theming, landscaping and some great rides, SFMM has the best choice of coasters for me, but the actual park isn't great, Phantasialand has really OTT awesome theming and what the rides lack in quantity the by far make up for them in quality, I love all the trees and animal themes at BGT plus they have some awesome coasters and i think IOA has such amazing theming and outstanding water rides as well as some great coasters. What parks are your favourites?