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Arkham asylum ride (UC)


Mega Poster
After playing the game arkham asylum I decided to make a coaster about it and have nearly finished the trackwork.I took some screen shots and will put them on when I can find them on my computer. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. thanks
^ Really, mine are in: D:\NoLimits Coasters v1.6\screenshots

Well the images are in the screenshots folder int he main NoLimits coaster folder where you installed it. Please also edit the images into a suitable size and format...
Thats because it all depends on where you installed it too. But they'll be in your NoLimits root folder. If your using vista and you cannot see them within the Screenshots folder. Click on Compatability Files at the top of the window and it'll show them.

Havnt found the pic yet but been hard at wotk, i hav don bou 60% track 0% scenery 5% surports! yay!ill look for more photos
^Try a site like Photobucket etc.

Then just paste the codes and it should work.