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Alton Towers Scare Room (FULL SPOILERS)


CF Legend
WARNING: This contains complete spoilers. Do not read if you're staying/thinking of staying in a Scare Room

The main purpose of this report is for those that are curious about the Scare Rooms. They're a lot of money so not everyone gets to experience them or find out what happens.
This was both mine and Maddies first Scare Room and we had no idea what to expect. It turned out more like a show with scenes acted out in your room between characters with a few scares thrown in.

Anyway the Hotel was nicely themed for Halloween.



The Scare Room corridor.



The room.




7:00pm Arrived at special check in desk at the Alton Towers Hotel. Loud chimes played and the Bell boys walked in slowly in a single line towards the desk. As they arrived they greeted us by looking at each of us individually and nodding their head going 'sir, madam' etc.
One of the bellboys set up the desk and asked who's first. He then told us about the rooms and the disturbances between the hours of 10:30 and 2am and for safety reasons to be back in our rooms by 10:00pm While he was doing that one of the bell boys behind us leant forward and shouted "It's not too late, you should turn back now" at us. We then got told to follow one of the bellboys to our room. As we followed him up the stairs and down the corridors he'd spin round every now and then shouting "you sure you want to do this? I've seen terrible things" and trying to convince us to change our minds and stay in one of the normal rooms we were walking past. When we got to the corridor he said he'd take us as far as the doorway and gave us our key.

We then dumped our stuff and went back to the park.

10:20pm While sitting in the room the old phone rang loudly. When you picked it up it was the bellboy saying good evening and telling us that there had been reports of disturbances near our rooms.

10:40pm Knocks on the door. When you opened it the Bell boy came in saying he had a couple of gifts and some stories to tell. He gave us a door hanger saying 'Please stop, I can't take any more of this' and the next days newspaper as he said we might not get the chance to read it in the morning.


He then went on tell us 4 ghost stories about the characters we were going to encounter during the night.

The first story was about Griselda who was the Earl of Shrewsbury's favourite singer and one night got called up to the tower to entertain the guests where she was raped by Sir General George, that rape resulted in a baby. The baby was deformed and Griselda couldn't take it so she smashed the baby on the bed frame. But then she still took it in her arms like it was still alive. Then one day a maid/nanny tried to take the baby from her. When she realised what she had done she hung herself from the rafters of the bed.

The second story is that of the Chef who was innocent and continued to look for his lover which was the maid. The manager knew the chefs intentions and poisoned the food the chef was preparing so he lost his job.
The chef was been told he was guilty time and time again which made him go slowly mad and he eventually performed the atrocities himself. So he took his meat cleaver and killed the guests and staff members. He was caught but not before he had taken his own life.

The third story is about the maid the chef longed for. After the maid fell pregnant with the maids baby she went back to the manager and pleaded for him to look after the two of them. The manager beat the maid until she lost her baby. Then the maid went took cyanide pills and took her own life.

The final story is that of the nanny who tried to take the baby from Griselda. Noone knows how she died but when people see her they say she has a scar across her neck so it's assumed she fell victim to the chef.

11:00pm Maid comes running in scared and trying to find a place to escape/hide. She tries opening the window and looking round the room and eventually runs into the bathroom.

11:03pm The door slams open and the chef shouts "WHERE ARE YOU?"and searches the room for her saying "I know you're here". He eventually goes into the bathroom where the maid starts crying and shouts "You shouldn't have done it twice and slaps her hard. He then drags the maid into the room by her hair while she's saying it wasn't her or wasn't her fault. Then the chef slams her down onto the floor knocking her out.
The chef then looks up around the room repeating the word "What" then comes over to our bed and shouts it". He then mutters "It's this room" before leaving.

11:07pm The maid wakes up on the floor coughing and spluttering and crawls over to our bed and points at us and whispers "I know what I need to do" over an over and leaves.

11:20pm The Nanny walks into the room and round the bed sorting out the room muttering to herself about the baby. The Griselda walks in with the baby. The nanny (Called Ethel) asks if she can take the baby but Griselda tells her to stand in the corner. But she continues by saying "I'm trying to help miss, do you want me to take him for you?" Griselda says "Alright but just for a moment". The nanny then walks round the bed with it whimpering and going "baby's not sleeping, baby's not sleeping, baby's dead".

Griselda says she'll take the baby back but the nanny tries to walk off. She gets called back where the nanny asks "Don't you remember the accident?" Griselda gets angry and says "I told you not to mention that accident again" and demands the baby back.
Griselda then charges at the maid and slams her into the door where she kicks her and yells at her to get out and she throws her onto the floor and says "You're not welcome anymore in this house, LEAVE!"
Griselda then walks round the room with the baby while staring at us. She then walks round the bed and says "do you want to see the baby?" then tells us to be quiet and come closer, then suddenly shouts "MY BABY!" then walks back round the other side of the bed. She then starts singing 'rock a bye baby' quietly when she gets to the end she shouts the word 'drop' and jumps towards the bed.

00:02am Chef comes in briefly and looks round for a few seconds and leaves.

00:06am The maid and Griselda come running in frantically looking for something before leaving.

00:10am The sounds of running water comes from the bathroom. When you go in to check the tap is running and the Chef is stood behind the shower curtain.

00:15am The Chef came out of the shower and starts turning the lights off in the room one by one He then lies on the floor motionless before springing up and grunts. He then climbs on the bed going "Is there somebody in here?" over and over getting louder till he's shouting. He then says we should leave and exits the room

00:35am Door opens and Nanny comes running in backwards trying to get away from the chef who beats her and leaves. She then crawls over to the bunk bed before passing out/sitting motionless.

00:42am Nanny awakes screaming "IT'S THE ROOM, THE ROOM, I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS ROOM!" before running out.

Griselda comes into the room with the baby and places it on the bed. She then goes over to the mirror while humming and keeps turning every now and then to the baby going "ssssshhhh", she then gets irritated and picks the baby up going mental and screaming and starts smashing the baby against the post of the bed repeatedly. She then looks at the baby and falls on the floor crying while holding it. Then she starts singing to it and cradling it. Then she knees by the bed and reaches out and strokes our cheeks. Then she climbs on the bed and lies down with the baby and closes her eyes.
Shortly after she springs back up and starts gasping and backing away from the bed. Then she screams in terror and runs out of the room.



01:01am Griselda, the maid and the bell boy come into the room crying and kneel at the end of the bed, Then the slowly look up at us and stand up one by one. Then the maid points at us and keeps asking if they're dead. She then climbs onto the bed and asks if we killed her before stopping and saying "no, it was this room" and starts humming Que Sera Sera getting quieter. Then they all shout "IT'S THIS ROOM" before running out.


01:23am Chef appears with meat cleaver and stands by the edge of the bed. The bell boy then appears behind him and says's eeny meeny miny mo as the chef moves his cleaver between us. He then raises it up into the air for a while before lunching at us going "You shouldn't be in the room" before leaving.


01:35am Lights go off and nanny and bell boy appear. Then the lights go off and back on again and they get closer. This happens till one is each side of the bed inches away from your face. They then use cloth and a pillow to attempt to smother you before retreating from the room.


01:58am The Bell boy enters the room and says "It's time". Each time he does so one of the characters comes in and stands round the bed. He does this till everyone is in the room besides the chef. Then the lights go off and you hear the chef shout "KILL THEM ALL" and they all jump on the bed screaming and tearing all the sheets and pillows off in the dark before running off and slamming the door behind them.

And that's the Scare Room haha. :P

Overall opinions were that it was very good. The actors were brilliant and you could feel it building and building up until the great ending. At times there were gaps in between stuff happening but it was nerve racking hearing all the screams from the other rooms and knowing that you could be next.
One thing I think they should do though is have things rigged in the rooms So stuff moves/falls and things make noises. Just to keep you on your toes while you're waiting for the actors to get round to your room.

Anyway I've got a video of it all as well for those interested to see it but it probably wont be up for a while as it's over half an hour long and will take ages to render and upload.

Hope you enjoyed having a look into the Scare Rooms. If you have any questions then feel free to ask them. :)
I didn't know that the Scare Rooms had actual stories played out. I just thought it would be some animatronic portraits and things moving... Good stuff!
^I knew about the actors but I thought it'd have stuff moving as well. Turns out it's just a normal hotel room with some themeing so they're limited to what they can do which is why the scares only come from the actors.

Anyway the video has finally rendered. I appreciate that not many (if any) of you will watch it all due to it's length but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. :)
i watched part of the video and did any of the ghouls perv on you at night time? :!: i heard they come out between 10:00pm and 2:00am.
^ Read the report.

Fantastic stuff Ollie, I'm getting into horror stuff lately (think I'm just getting carried away with Hallowe'en lol) and I really wasn't aware they did anything like this. I knew you had scarefest but the scare rooms look **** awesome.

I'm guessing they change the story each year? If so I'm bang up for visiting that next year.
How much was it out of interest?

I'd well like to do it next year, but, I'm cheap. And easy. But that's not for here.
I'd like to do it, but the thing is, for what you get, it's SO expensive.

I've been thinking of going to the Tenerife one that takes over a FULL hotel. It looks fab.
^It depends when you book it as the prices change depending on weekdays/weekends and if it's near Halloween. But it's a £150 charge ON TOP of the price of a normal room.
If you have an annual pass you can get a discount on the base price of the room but be prepared to pay around £300 for it. You can split it between everyone staying in your room though so it works out cheaper.

You get extras as well. Like all the gifts and you get free fastrack and free entry/fastrack for the paid mazes and TOTT.