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Alton Towers 30th July 2012


Strata Poster
I barely have any pics so won't go into a full report of the day, you all know what Alton Towers is like....

Just wanted to post to give a few opinions...

Ride Count first;

Sonic Spinball x2
Oblivion x2
Hex x1
Rita x1
Th13teen x1
Ice Age 4D x1
Twirling Toadstool x1
Skyride x1
Nemesis x1
Air x1
Ripsaw x1
Nemesis: Sub-Terra x1
Duel x1
Rapids x1
Log Flume x1

Ice Age 4D is a great addition to the area, not a fan of the pretty much forced upon photo/green-screen area though. The short film itself has its funny moments, just typical of Ice Age. Some of the effects were a bit of sync with the movie which is a shame considering its brand new.

Nemesis: Sub-Terra. **** awesome. The attendants played their part well, I think their 'strictness and rudeness' is to kind of just make you think look, this is some serious **** you're going down to see, do NOT **** about. The lift effect was poor, Flamingo Land used to have one of these in Blombergs Tomb of Terror which felt way more realistic than this? There was two spots in the lift which the whole group were reluctant to stand on just in case something happened here.

Anyway, there was water on the lapbars so I knew we were going to get wet somehow and I spotted the 'leg ticklers' but what I didn't expect was to get a dig in the back :lol: When the lights went out and the egg had 'hatched' then went back out again I was so unsure what to expect. I knew there was live actors in there somewhere so was half-expecting some twat to be right in my face when the lights came back on or something. Thats what made it for me, having absolutely no clue what was going to happen. I wanted to cover my face in case someone was going around spraying stuff or something but didn't want to because I know in places like that they see someone **** themselves they prey on them the most haha.

The emergency lift lights went out and again did not know what to expect so was **** myself. Ran through the short walk out past the live actors, I think these maybe need to do more to scare people then hit the baggage hold. I agree the ending is a bit abrupt but by the time I'd gone through that I didn't want a long **** corridor :lol:

So yeah, my imagination ran wild and obviously played a big part in the ride so the re-rideability rating is pretty low. I think if you rode it when it was **** and then rode it again you wouldn't get the same feeling as if riding it for the first time now because you half know what to expect.

Anyways!! Other than that, the day was awesome, wasn't aware about the Rita cable causing us to go through the arcades which was a bit of an inconvenience, but it also made a long looking queue really short when you realised they were holding people up :)

Another top day at the towers. As always.

Edit: Maybe I should cut down on my **** **** expletives??
I did not think nemesis sub terra was very good. The tower was the only thing that made partly a ride and it was pointless as you barely dropped. The walk through bits were clever, but I just came out thinking 'was that it' and I just felt like it could of just so much more
I wasn't expecting much of an actual physical 'ride' - I don't know why people expect so much of it? You can tell from queueing it isn't that kind of attraction. I wasn't expecting a mega drop tower or anything, just a kind of horror 'walkthrough'... the 'ride' was a bonus for me.

On my report I totally forgot about RMT on my ride count... have they always had that catchphrase on it? "CHOO-CHOOOOOOO....."
I have to agree, I went on Sub- Terra and I thought it was F*****g AMAZING. The best ride in the park.
I was shocked by the actor and scared to death to be honest, me and my two mates just wanted to get out of there screaming as loud as we could, amazing. End of.
I agree with your comments about Sub-Terra. I was there on Monday too and it was a pretty good day in terms of queues (mostly affected by rain). As for the Choo Choo on RMT: a certain ride-op started the whole Choo Choo thing (now known as Choo Choo Lady) and I think it's just stuck.