Bat Fastard
Hyper Poster
What parks would you say have been transformed from a "regional park" into a "destination park" because of a single additon? A park that us enthusiasts will travel long long distances to get to specifically because of that addition? For me, a few come to mind. I have been to none of these parks, but they are parks that are now on my bucklet list that previously weren't, because of one single edition.
1. Carowinds, Fury 325- Before Fury, Carowinds looked like a good park, but not one I'd travel across the country for just itself. With the addition of Fury, it is a destination park. I need to get here ASAP as Fury looks like one of, if not THE best coaster B&M has ever built.
2. Dollywood, Lightning Rod- Even though it isn't 100% open yet, Lightning Rod has changed my opinion on this park. Before, it looked like a great park with great theming, staff and some decent coasters. Now that Lightning Rod is here, in many peoples' opinions, the best RMC, it has become a destination park for me.
3. Lagoon, Cannibal- Before this, I never pictured myself going out of my way to come here. Now, if I ever do a West Coast trip, this will be a huge priority, all thanks to Cannibal.
1. Carowinds, Fury 325- Before Fury, Carowinds looked like a good park, but not one I'd travel across the country for just itself. With the addition of Fury, it is a destination park. I need to get here ASAP as Fury looks like one of, if not THE best coaster B&M has ever built.
2. Dollywood, Lightning Rod- Even though it isn't 100% open yet, Lightning Rod has changed my opinion on this park. Before, it looked like a great park with great theming, staff and some decent coasters. Now that Lightning Rod is here, in many peoples' opinions, the best RMC, it has become a destination park for me.
3. Lagoon, Cannibal- Before this, I never pictured myself going out of my way to come here. Now, if I ever do a West Coast trip, this will be a huge priority, all thanks to Cannibal.