There has been several times when I've ridden a new coaster and then written it off as pretty meh.
As time goes by and I learn a bit more about the theme, the work involved, story, concept etc.
The ride itself may still be crap, but when presented with all the facts, sometimes the whole package gains a newfound appreciation in my mind.
I have a newfound appreciation for Saw: The Ride at Thorpe Park. I decided to add the Saw films to my Lovefilm film list because of the ride. Whilst watching Saw II last night, I spotted an old Singer sewing machine randomly sitting on a hallway floor, my goonbrain beeped and I remembered seeing the same machine in Saw's station. I now want to watch all the films so I can understand what all the seemingly random items of theming in the station are all about.
Are there any rides out there that you've gained a newfound appreciation for? Perhaps by researching into the ride, spotting something previously unseen, talking to park employees or by multiple rerides.
As time goes by and I learn a bit more about the theme, the work involved, story, concept etc.
The ride itself may still be crap, but when presented with all the facts, sometimes the whole package gains a newfound appreciation in my mind.
I have a newfound appreciation for Saw: The Ride at Thorpe Park. I decided to add the Saw films to my Lovefilm film list because of the ride. Whilst watching Saw II last night, I spotted an old Singer sewing machine randomly sitting on a hallway floor, my goonbrain beeped and I remembered seeing the same machine in Saw's station. I now want to watch all the films so I can understand what all the seemingly random items of theming in the station are all about.
Are there any rides out there that you've gained a newfound appreciation for? Perhaps by researching into the ride, spotting something previously unseen, talking to park employees or by multiple rerides.