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a few quickies


Strata Poster
Ok - so this forum doesn't seem to be too busy, so i don't feel too bad about creating a new topic

Just bought rct3 (+soaked+wild) and rather like it!, but got a few questions:

1 - is my version missing something - or are there reallyu rides under "other rides" called haunted house and ghost train, which are just outdoor track rides?

2 - building paths, is there any way of selecting a rectangle to build, or do you relly have to go tile by tile?

3 - is there any way to edit the height of individual track sections, I'd like to have a very small slope on the first corner after the lift hill - just enough so I don't run out of speed before the drop,, and "gentle slope" is too steep.

4 - the user guide says that sometimes you may just need to reconstruct part of a track - how do I go about this. if I need to say, add a brake after a drop, and haven't got a piece of horizontal track to add it on?

5 - if I've used auto complete, what's the best way to add opne or 2 bunny hops on the completed finishing track?


Giga Poster
1. No, it's not- if you want to build a real haunted house tracked ride, you use that track and then have to build the theming around it.

2. You have to go tile-by-tile.

3. I wish! :p Unfortunately, that is not available in RCT3, yeah it's a bummer I know.

4. You just have to re-do the track around it, there's no way to add a brake on something other than a straight unless you're using the extended coaster, as there are brakes on gentle straight slopes in that coaster type.

5. a) Don't use auto-complete. b) If it's a bunch of straight pieces, click on the last one while in construction mode, delete all the ones you want to, and then add the hills.

Hope that helps! :)


Giga Poster
As long as it's not an elevated path, I'm pretty sure you could zoom out a bit and just hold the mouse button down and move the mouse where you want it, kinda like in RCT & RCT2.


Strata Poster
you can, but it's so easy just to pick the start and end points of a straight line, or the corners of a rectangle isn't it? (oh - and you can't even drag for fences and other things..)