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2009 Coasterpoll Results



A preliminary result have been released for both polls:

WOOD POLL: 11 listed because Fireball may be removed from the official results. The threshold for inclusion last year was 12 riders and that was with fewer ballots completed last year. The top 4 are unlikely to change as the margins there are large.
Total Number of Ballots = 730
Average Number of Wood Coasters Ridden = 35.0

RANK COASTER NAME PARK LOC RIDERS W L T WinPct TiBk -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 The Voyage Holiday World IN 237 179 0 0 1.0000
2 El Toro SFGAd NJ 281 178 1 0 0.9944
3 T Express Everland KR 20 172 2 1 0.9857
4 Boulder Dash Lake Compounce CT 188 177 3 0 0.9833
5 Ravine Flyer II Waldameer PA 126 172 5 2 0.9665
6 Balder Liseberg SE 97 171 6 1 0.9635
7 Prowler Worlds of Fun MO 59 160 6 2 0.9583 23
8 Phoenix Knoebel's PA 224 169 6 3 0.9579 12
* Fireball Happy Valley Song CN 10 162 8 1 0.9503
10 Thunderhead Dollywood TN 188 167 10 1 0.9410
11 Aska (S) Nara Dreamland JP 15 160 9 3 0.9390

STEEL POLL: 12 listed because 10 through 12 are very close. The top 3 are unlikely to change as the margins there are large.
Total Number of Ballots = 653
Average Number of Steel Coasters/Categories Ridden = 54.6

RANK COASTER NAME PARK LOC RIDERS CMPR W L T WinPct TiBk -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Bizarro SF New England MA 111 388 387 0 1 0.9987
2 Eagle's Fortress Everland KR 13 362 359 2 1 0.9931
3 Expedition GeForce Holiday Park DE 102 394 389 4 1 0.9886
4 Diamondback Kings Island OH 99 342 336 5 1 0.9839 6
5 Goliath Walibi World NL 88 393 385 5 3 0.9835 5
6 Piraten Djurs Sommerland DK 36 382 373 7 2 0.9791
7 Kawasemi Tobu Zoo JP 17 376 364 7 5 0.9747 7
8 Nemesis Alton Towers UK 296 396 385 9 2 0.9747 4
9 Katun Mirabilandia IT 38 363 352 9 2 0.9725
10 Millennium Force Cedar Point OH 221 383 371 11 1 0.9700
11 Pyrenees Parque EspaNa JP 17 376 364 12 0 0.9681
12 Blue Fire Megacoaster Europa Park DE 81 325 311 10 4 0.9631

the final results and more info will/can be found at: http://www.ushsho.com/bestrollercoasterpoll.htm


Staff member
Social Media Team
I'm a bit surprised to see Voyage climbing back up to the top, and was expecting Balder to be a bit higher given recent brainwashing/reports. Aska seems to be doing well under the "I've been to Japan, you haven't, and it's closed now anyway" banner.

Waiting for the "How can Eagle's Fortress be so high with only 13 votes" outrage to start all over again.

**** me, I hate these polls.


Giga Poster
Theme Park Review!!!
*Shakes fist*

Boulder Dash below El Toro?
*Tries to refrain himself from making another TPR comment about them going to Compounce next year*...


But, yeah... El Toro is rubbish, Boulder Dash is good.
As for steel, Bizarro was rubbish in it's final seasons as Superman, and Oblivion is better than Nemesis.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
Lol, Intamins and B&Ms everywhere in the Steel section unsuprisingly...

Honestly I don't give a crap about these polls because there's no point in following other people's opinions because it's cool... I didn't enjoy Thunderhead for example, Millenium Force is over-rated as hell, and Diamondback is just not a top 10 ride in my book...

Also, Mega-Lites seem to be everyone's favourites atm, how boring...

Least Nemesis is still up there... And Expedition G-Force...


The Legend
Exactly how I thought it would finish.. with the two surprises being Diamondback and Prowler.
Wow, Diamondback finished high and so did Prowler. It was nice to see Blue Fire in the top ten as well, but where is Maverick? :p

Ravine Flyer II is also in there, so yay, because it definitely deserves it, and even though most may argue Boulder Dash should be number one, and though I haven't been on it, it seems like it should be, but Voyage is one hell of a coaster and I'm not gonna complain that it got #1, because I loved it and it was very close to my number one coaster of all time. I actually considered bumping Toro out of its spot a few times actually.. But, I didn't.


Giga Poster
LiveForTheLaunch said:
It was nice to see Blue Fire in the top ten as well...

Since when did 12 come before 10?* :wink:

The funny thing I always find with Mitch Hawker's Poll is that I've only ridden one of either Top Ten lists and I don't even like it that much haha!

*Not a cue for someone to find a sequence to prove 12 comes before 10. :p


Hyper Poster
Voyage is a little too high imo, but I still like it...so I guess it's fine.

I'm glad El Toro is ahead of the other pre-fabs; I've always thought it looked the best. I'm also glad that Bizarro's retheming didn't hurt its rating.

By next year I will have ridden the Top 2 woodies and #1 steel. :)


Mike said:
Theme Park Review!!!
*Shakes fist*
What do you mean by that??

If TPR would have a big effect on this poll then why isn't Balder the best Wooden coaster, since everyone loved it on the trip to Scandinavia this year??

I can't see why people complain about TPR that much, they just offer a great way for people to go to parks in countries that usually is a bit of the beaten track very easily, and if there is a really great coaster in one of those parks then why must everyone complain about it, go there and ride it for yourself and see what the fuss is about.. I have a feeling that the ACE/ECC trips influence this poll just as much, I mean Aska a coaster that have been SBNO for years now still gets a 11:th place in the poll, TPR have nothing to to with that one...


Giga Poster
loefet said:
Mike said:
Theme Park Review!!!
*Shakes fist*
What do you mean by that??

If TPR would have a big effect on this poll then why isn't Balder the best Wooden coaster, since everyone loved it on the trip to Scandinavia this year??

I can't see why people complain about TPR that much, they just offer a great way for people to go to parks in countries that usually is a bit of the beaten track very easily, and if there is a really great coaster in one of those parks then why must everyone complain about it, go there and ride it for yourself and see what the fuss is about.. I have a feeling that the ACE/ECC trips influence this poll just as much, I mean Aska a coaster that have been SBNO for years now still gets a 11:th place in the poll, TPR have nothing to to with that one...

It was a joke.
Judging from that response, you're taking this poll WAAAAAY too seriously.


^ Not really, if I would then I would loudly complain why EGF is on the top 10 at all, since it's rubbish!!


Giga Poster
I'm just sorry that my favourite coaster Dragon Khan ain't in the top 10 any more. And I'm a little bit surpriced that Blue Fire made such a good ranking as 12th place, it looks good but not that good.. (not better than Khan :p)


Giga Poster
I find it interesting how many more people fill in the wood ballot than the steel one. Can people just not be bothered to fill out a second form? Or do people care more about the wood poll?


The Legend
^I wonder that myself. I guess less people enjoy the clearly superior wood products that have surfaced in the latter half of this decade.


Staff member
Social Media Team
jokerman said:
I find it interesting how many more people fill in the wood ballot than the steel one. Can people just not be bothered to fill out a second form? Or do people care more about the wood poll?

I think it's down to numbers. I think it's safe to say that everyone who fills in these ballots has a much smaller number of woodies to put in order compared to steel. I find the steel poll to be a total ballache, and my count is nowhere near as high as a lot of enthusiasts.

The wooden poll is a lot more managable, and takes a lot less time.


CF Legend
Brad said:
I don't mind too much, just annoyed Colossos at Heide didn't make it into the top 10

I was a bot shocked by this as well tbh.

I expected both Megalites to be up there, I expect them to fall next year though.

Nemesis is really high as well, good to have a UK coaster in the top 10.

Mountain Madman

Mega Poster
Didn't change too much from last year, I guess. TBH, wasn't expecting Voyage to be ranked #1 because many people seem to be a little ambivalent about it. Wasn't expecting Eagle Fortress to maintain its ranking either, but I guess it just shows how good the ride is/was.


CF Legend
Eh. Still some really messed up coasters IMO.

I mean, Blue Fire IS great, but, it aint THAT great.


Hyper Poster
This year was the first year in, well, ever, that i've not filled in Mitch's polls, so i've got no grounds to argue on where things ended up! I still find it interesting to read though, because it gives a pretty good general consensus on what people like and don't like the world (enthusiast world) over. Its always cool to see how new rides are received too. I'll always enjoy reading the results. Mind you, i'm a nerd and enjoy filling in the ballots too!


Strata Poster
I'm expecting EF to either get a star or disappear entirely.

At least two of the ballots it appeared on were plainly garbage/faked, and that would pull it below the 12 riders number for inclusion.

(The ballots in question showed one steel coaster from every park on the ballot, but no park had two coasters ranked. Essentially, a claim to have ridden a single coaster at nearly every park in the world, but never riding a second one at any park.)