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  1. caffeine_demon

    Your Least Common Opinion?

    Not even close for me - I love heidi almost as much as roar o saurus and wood express - maybe it's the assigned seating, but wicker man just doesn't do much for me! and one from me - Untamed is better than Iron Gwazi.
  2. caffeine_demon

    Top 10(ish): 2025 Edition - page 129

    Little update following Orlando in february: was: 1 - Zadra 2 - Skyrush 3 - Wicked Cyclone 4 - Formula Rossa 5 - Colossos 6 - Taron 7 - Untamed 8 - Bizarro (SFNE) 9 - Lech coaster 10 - Sliver Star Now: 1 - Velocicoaster - the exquisite elements of Zadra + some fun launches - The...
  3. caffeine_demon

    WTF Merlin?

    £30 for rump steak - is it gold plated?
  4. caffeine_demon

    THORPE PARK, UK, Query re prices, accomodation, fast pass

    Don't look at the cost of unversal express passes then....
  5. caffeine_demon

    Is traditional TV dying?

    Yep, It's definitely dying - just look at the piss-poor range of freeview boxes and recorders for proof!
  6. caffeine_demon

    Coasters that made you feel nothing

    Vliegender Hollander (efteling) - everything after the lift hill is a total borefest!
  7. caffeine_demon

    What makes your #1 better than your #2?

    My #2 is Zadra - It';s just about everything I look for, great pacing, great feeling through the elements (sorta thing only RMC get) - a lovely stall, when I rode it last year, it was hard to see anything topping it, My new number 1 is Velocicoaster - combines the best of zadra, with a couple...
  8. caffeine_demon

    Your Least Common Opinion?

    On Iron Gwazi: TBH the ops weren't great on untamed either, so It's definitely the overall ride experience - Untamed is just a little less bonkers
  9. caffeine_demon

    Your Least Common Opinion?

    A couple following my trip to Orlando: 1 - Untamed is better than Iron Gwazi 2 - (and this may set the internet into meltdown) - The Navi river adventure is better than Avatar.
  10. caffeine_demon

    What is your favorite vekoma?

    No love for guardians of the galaxy yet? So 1 - guardians 2 - Lech (despite the super high intensity) 3 - formula (Yep - I prefer it to abyssus!)
  11. caffeine_demon

    Expedition Everest or Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure; which "world's most expensive coaster" do you prefer?

    No comparison - Hagrids is a brilliant ride - even in the sidecar - just a shame they only had 50% bike seats!!
  12. caffeine_demon

    How would you improve each coaster in your top 10?

    1 - Zadra - dificult to think of anything! 2 - Skyrush - Whilst I didn't have much "thighcrush" problem, I'd fix the restraints so more people can appreciate the brilliance of the ride 3 - Wicked Cyclone - again, can't think of anything 4 - Formula Rossa - Just move it into my back...
  13. caffeine_demon

    Best indoor roller coaster in Orlando?

    I'll let you know by the end of feb!
  14. caffeine_demon

    Your biggest autocorrect fails?

    Not from autocorrect, but i've made a few typos - think my favourite is missing the O off hello- "Hell Diane, I've enclosed the file!" and mum once wrote: "Rabies is a real treat."
  15. caffeine_demon

    Your most unpopular Christmas opinions

    I love christmas cake and christmas pudding (then again, my mum makes a fab version of both!)! think Stollen and Pannetoni are dry and bland though,
  16. caffeine_demon

    Christmas Eve/Day 2022

    "Did anyone else get something rollercoaster related for Xmas" Kind of - Got some dollarydoos for my orlando trip!
  17. caffeine_demon

    "Now Showing"

    Just seen Avatar with Mum Dad and my Nephew - They all loved it, but I thought it was a bit meh - first hour in ahalf not much happened, and then it was one big fight.. Should have brought a pillow so I could avanap!
  18. caffeine_demon

    How do you pronounce the word “scone”?

    I do both interchangably, and wiothout too much logic, But I think I might start calling them "Ess-See-Ones" just to be a bit rebelious!
  19. caffeine_demon

    Throughput Timings Thread

    Rumour has it that Taron exceeds the theoretical throughput..