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  1. jamieb2713

    Alton Towers SW8

    This "jamieb bloke" really doesnt just a local to AT and an interested party :)
  2. jamieb2713

    Alton Towers SW8

    More info! Cannot say where this has come from..except that its a very close friend of mine whos got a friend who works at AT. i realise " a friend of a friend" may not be that reliable a source but still.. Speculation The message from my friend read..
  3. jamieb2713

    Alton Towers SW8

    Wasnt aware of that, Maybe! However as i said delivering fuel. Last time he did it was for construction equipment for smiler cant think why they'd need fuel delivering for a sealife revamp Edit : Thanks for the welcome delpiero. See above :) Jamie and yeah i've never known a project name to be...
  4. jamieb2713

    Alton Towers SW8

    Oh no it was actually at the main park as far as i could understand, but a carpark round the back could be the staff carpark which is near magic HQ ( Right next to mutiny bay ) And he was delivering fuel, did the same for when the smiler was under construction ( for the JCBS, Generators etc. )
  5. jamieb2713

    Alton Towers SW8

    just readding this for peoples info as it was in previous thread before split! Given the new location of this sign near mutiny bay and peoples thinking water related could make sense..
  6. jamieb2713

    Alton Towers' Galactica VR coaster/Rollercoaster Restaurant

    Re: Alton Towers submits planning permission Hello all, Long time reader first time poster... MAP holder, Alton Towers Fan and themepark Lover :) Bit of info wonder if anyone can spread any light.. A friend of mine has just had a delivery to Alton to the address "Project Surf, Alton Towers"...