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  1. C

    Coasters with moments of utter insanity

    Freefall drop on Verbolten anyone?
  2. C

    Favorite Coaster Element?

    I love me my lift hills! :P
  3. C

    Your rollercoaster name

    I'm Magnetic Fanatic. It almost rhymes...
  4. C

    Coasters with moments of utter insanity

    The airtime on the hill over Rolling Thunder on El Toro is absolutely RIDICUOUS. Other moments of insanity include just about all of Skyrush, and the heartline roll out of the station on Hydra. I also thought that the pain on Desperado at Buffalo Bill's was pretty insane...
  5. C

    Anyone know why El Toro is closed?

    No, it is Intamin.
  6. C

    Last 5 Coasters?

    Steeplechase (Luna Park) Soarin' Eagle (Luna Park) Steel Force (Dorney Park) Possessed (Dorney Park) Talon (Dorney Park)
  7. C

    Scariest Roller Coaster You've Ridden

    I went on Soarin' Eagle with my friends yesterday and I was literally holding on for dear life. The restraints and the ride itself does not look or feel safe at all. Going upside down on a ride like that felt out of place and terrifying. Falling back onto the guard thing behind the seat on the...
  8. C

    Woman Falls From The Texas Giant To Her Death

    That looks like Nitro, does it not?
  9. C

    Woman Falls From The Texas Giant To Her Death

    This does happen often on B&M's and it's perfectly fine. This has happened to me on Bizarro, Great Bear, and even Talon. It is somewhat unnerving but after a couple of times, I stopped worrying because of the ridiculous safeness of B&M's. The negative G-force on these have actually pushed the...
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    Visiting SFGA Solo

    I'm sure this is too late and you probably already went, but about the single rider queue thing, from what I remember, Green Lantern is the only ride with the single rider queue. Hope this helped!
  11. C

    What is the best seat on these certain coasters?

    Which Bizarro are you talking about - SFNE or SFGA? (Front on both either way...) :P Front on Skyrush, doesn't really matter on Tatsu, and (although I've never been on it) from what I hear, back on Leviathan.
  12. C

    Top Thrill a league above Kingda Ka?

    I have only been on Kingda Ka and it is not a great ride - I just did it just to do it. From what you guys are saying about TTD, especially because it doesn't have OTSR, I would imagine TTD is better.
  13. C

    Skyrush's Restraints

    The first time I went on Skyrush, I liked the ride but the restraints were very painful. However, since it was such a good ride, when I went back to Hershey later that year, I was eager to go back on, especially because I heard they replaced the restraints with softer ones. My thighs were only...