Search results

  1. C

    Most Harshly Scrutinized Coaster?

    Intimidator, or in this case, Intimidator. It's pretty underrated in the B&M Hyper world and isn't even a bad ride. Sure, there's trims, but it doesn't reduce the airtime a lot. I've ridden it even with the trims off, and there's not much of a notable difference in terms of ride experience. It...
  2. C

    Best SUSTAINED Airtime You've Gotten

    I'm used to the feeling a drop provides, but the last 2 rows of Initimidator gives a crazy experience cresting over that drop. It's just so sudden and breathtaking every time. Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk
  3. C

    Favourite B&M Invert?

    I've only been on Raptor and TopGun (Now called AfterBurn) In my opinion, i would choose Top Gun. It seems like a copy to other B&M Inverts, it seems cool. I guess it is the way it takes you on the ride. but i still like Nemesis to.