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Search results

  1. J

    Josh's Movie Competition!

    ^^ Yup, anything you please.
  2. J

    Josh's Movie Competition!

    If it's video game, knock yourself out, I'll exept video games.
  3. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) I thought the area had to be themed to your ride theme. Well that makes everything easier!
  4. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) Toatall forgot about this: Your entries must be set in a Theme Park, you don`t have to create a whole park just a small area around the ride, a few flat rides and trees, maybe the odd building. So I'll have to withdraw. :|
  5. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) ^^ Fine.. I'll do one. :P
  6. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) My computer is making some weird noises, so a POV is unlikley. That okay CP10?
  7. J

    Josh's Movie Competition!

    As long as it's movie themed, and is in an 30x50 lot, its good. By the way, I don't mind if your queue or theming goes outside the bounderies, it's mainly the coaster that I want inside.
  8. J

    Josh's Movie Competition!

    Any film at all.
  9. J

    Missing You...

    Which defunct ride do you want back the most? Me, Jaws.
  10. J

    Josh's Movie Competition!

    Yeah, I know. My last comp was horrible. I get, but basketball is over know, so I have the time to run one! So here it is: Movie World is looking for a new roller-coaster. Smooth, Cutting Edge, Fast-Paced, this ride has to be a thrill-seekers dream. Problem is, that MovieWorld only has a 30x50...
  11. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P. Yeah will goet to that eventually Meanwhile, here is the CS I used: -Dasmatze's EuroFighter CTR -Cars (Don't know the maker) -Vodhin's Traffic Lights -NYR Lockers -Weber's Aged Footers -Accena's Pavement Essentials -Brandon't Tower...
  12. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) Great coaster Derek! Where did you get the boat and the helicopter, they're awesome! Preview for mine: Made this awhile ago, so does not have the updated colour scheme. My entry should be up tomorrow.
  13. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P. Weber's Trees won't download (don't konw why) But here are some new screen shots, and some on-ride pics coming soon! :) EDIT: Promo made. Thoughts?
  14. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P. Yeah I thought the same. I'm going to use Weber's because Old Spice's are rar. files, and I can't be bothered to download winrar right now.
  15. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P. Yeah, I noticed that after I posted and couldn't be bother to go back into the game and fix it. Thanks though Derek.
  16. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) PLUNGE (Name is flexible) Lift Hill and drop Pre-Lift section First layout section Entance(Billboard and logo to come) Don't know what to call this Better look at the "ghetto" section of the ride End of queue Main queue Station Lockers...
  17. J

    Show your RCT3 favourites Here !

    My mind was just blown.
  18. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) Actually I'm visting family for so, Sunday hopefully.
  19. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) Working on a city/industrial themed eurofighter, pics up tomorrow!
  20. J

    portemine's creations - Rapace, B&M Launch Invert - 17/11/14

    Re: portemine creations' page - erAis pictures (2006 project I like it but the queue is too short and the station is very boxy. (No offence)