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  1. Infernus

    Insult the person above

    ...Uhhhh... Your Old :P
  2. Infernus

    Thoughts on Saw

    Actually, we Ride Op's use something called Sanitare, Which absorbs all the moisture in the sick.. and No, We don't call someone over to do it, we do it ourselves.. and remember, if someone's been sick on the train, its rather difficult to clean.
  3. Infernus

    Insult the person above

  4. Infernus

    Jade Goody Well, She's gone now.
  5. Infernus

    Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition

    According to MSN.. Jade Goody went today.
  6. Infernus

    Thorpe: One word amazing.

    I thought I saw you today Chris!.. I was operating Loggers when you two came on.. You sat in the front, you were in the 2nd seat.. I think..
  7. Infernus

    Thoughts on Saw

    ^Fast Track Ollie.. Last time I checked anyway. I'll speak to someone today, if I see her, about the number of trains.. Just to clarify who is right or if Erol is wrong :P
  8. Infernus

    The Thorpe reliability thread - 2009 edition.

    Well, Apparently Loggers opened yesterday.. Slammer I've seen testing and Stealth i've seen moving.. But according to the website, Stealth and Slammer are still down.
  9. Infernus

    Thoughts on Saw

    As quoted from MSN.. Just Chris - Forever Boring says: as 4 in the station Just Chris - Forever Boring says: 2 inside Just Chris - Forever Boring says: 2 on ride/finishing
  10. Infernus

    Thoughts on Saw

    ^ and how many on the track? :P Could possibly be, because its a new ride.. the final train is being checked? Who knows..
  11. Infernus

    Thoughts on Saw

    Erol.. The maintanence shed/track is hidden just before the lift, hence why you couldn't see them :P And blocks, I think are - 2 loading, 2 offloading, 2 inside/justoutside, possibly 1 already on the track and 1 in the final brakes. But there are loads of block segments, Firstly just...
  12. Infernus

    Saw AP Day

    Ok, Since no one is going to say it.. There's a scene that the first Car goes straight by. The second car will stop and then the scene will begin.
  13. Infernus

    Thoughts on Saw

    Well, I managed to get a few rides in today, and I must say.. IT...WAS...AWESOME!!!!!!
  14. Infernus

    Chessie begins to kid spot

    To be honest, This can be a good idea for any child in a themepark, as it happens almost daily everywhere.. So atleast with the tags parents do not have to worry as much.
  15. Infernus

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    Thankfully I'm off college that day.. So fingers crossed!! Since I won't be able to ride it while you guys do! Gah! Can't wait to ride this now! Will be able to get a better look at it tomorrow hopefully.
  16. Infernus

    Do you lock restraints yourself?

    ****... Yeah, Depends if I'm working or not :P.. Usually, I pull them down myself..
  17. Infernus

    How To Get The Thorpe Park Via Public Transport

    Ok, Bezz.. Pretty much everyone has said what can be said.. But Just to help.. From Nottingham, get the train to St. P.. From there Tube down to Waterloo. Waterloo to Staines.. Or Chertsey.. Then get one of the 4 buses that go to Thorpe Park.. They stop running around 7pm. Should (Don't quote...
  18. Infernus

    Rate the above user name

    Not bad.. 8/10
  19. Infernus

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    To the people who have said the shop is Bland, there is some theming on the side of the containers, I just didn't get a picture of it from the right angle.. Its just got a company name on it.. So its better than nothing..
  20. Infernus

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    Hey, Just some pictures I took today. Not much to update the SAW signage has appeared out the front (picture to follow..Sorry for the blurryness), Shop has been constructed, and I have to admit, looks pretty cool. But yeah, Not much else to report. Pictures - A new 'cage' has appeared...