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  1. b&mfanboy123

    Overshadowed Coasters

    Verbolten - It's overshadowed by Alpie, Apollo's, Griffon, etc. But this ride is pure fun from the theming to the final drop. Cobra's Curse - While not the greatest ride in the world, it is a fun time, and well worth the visit. My boi Montu also literally is standing over it. Storm Runner Manta...
  2. b&mfanboy123

    Cedar Point 2020/2021

    Think about it like this, if we were going to see a T-Rex (presumably the big size) we would have seen land development underway, preparations beginning, because a 300 footer might need a while to erect. Which is why I am skeptical we will be seeing a 300ft+ T-Rex, but we might see a 200 footer...
  3. b&mfanboy123

    Ride Sims is Back!

    Had a go at it, was really fun, now if we could get SV, then we're talking.
  4. b&mfanboy123

    SeaWorld San Diego | Emperor | B&M Dive Coaster | 2022

    The turn at 2:00 minutes looks to give some nice laterals if I say so my self.
  5. b&mfanboy123

    Rate this from 0-10

    6/10 Ryanair
  6. b&mfanboy123

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

    Whoops, meant drop ride
  7. b&mfanboy123

    Notable Deaths 2018

    Don't worry she's in a better place, and one day you will see her again. I would like to give my condolences to your loss. Here's a quote that my teacher told me,
  8. b&mfanboy123

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

    Don't want to be rude but here's my counter to this... 1. - Cheetah Hunt, while not the best coaster/ is like the stepping stone for many. Due to the low height requirement it is many little kids first "loop-de-loop" coaster. I have seen this everytime I go there, families love to ride and have...
  9. b&mfanboy123

    Coasters that intrigue you

    A ride that has always interested me is Monster at adventureland in Iowa. A normal vertical loop looks like this But then Here is the Finnish loop on monster, which has a really weird oval shape. r Does this affect the ride sensation?
  10. b&mfanboy123

    Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

  11. b&mfanboy123

    Biggest Disappointment...

    WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APOLLO'S IS AMAZING, AND NOT FORCELESS!!!
  12. b&mfanboy123

    Rank the B&M Hyper coasters

    What about APOLLOS?
  13. b&mfanboy123

    Overrated and Underrated Roller Coasters

    I found the airtime to be a bit weak, and the ride itself was rough, but I respect your opinion and you shouldn't be ashamed of it.
  14. b&mfanboy123

    Overrated and Underrated Roller Coasters

    Overrated Lightning Rod Millenium Force Magnum XL 200 Banshee Wicked Cyclone Underrated Apollo's Chariot Goliath Storm Runner Verbolten Alpengeist
  15. b&mfanboy123

    Three Word Story Without the S

    Without the help
  16. b&mfanboy123

    Three Word Story Without the S

    that cant be
  17. b&mfanboy123

    Biggest Disappointment...

    Here is the thread where you can rave about the ride which you thought would be amazing, but dropped it hard. Sorry if this is a thread. If so then take it down Enjoy!
  18. b&mfanboy123

    Overrated and Underrated Roller Coasters

    Meet in the alley behind Publix...
  19. b&mfanboy123

    What came first the ride or the park?

    What came first the ride or the park?