Search results

  1. Groot

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    As an employee in the liquor industry, and someone who appreciates good bourbon, I support this swap.
  2. Groot

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    @Sky and myself will be staying Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Can't wait!!
  3. Groot

    Your Least Common Opinions: General Edition

    Pit Bulls are a fantastic breed of dog. Big Bang Theory is a great television show. Jazz music is some of the best music in the world. Teachers should be paid six-figure salaries. Avengers: Endgame was a cinematic experience that may never be topped. Trans women are women. (Won't argue with...
  4. Groot

    Your Least Common Opinions: General Edition

    You must like being lonely...
  5. Groot

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    I've got a GC adapter and two controllers. And technically, we could run a tourney mode with even just two controllers. Not that I'd want to, but I'm saying, 1v1 is a tourney setting. 1v1v1v1 is much more suited for a group this size. Especially if drinking games are taking place for those that...
  6. Groot

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    I am Sky's +1, so I will I be staying with you all. :)
  7. Groot

    Ed Hart Stole My Hart | KENTUCKY KINGDOM and HOLIDAY WORLD | 20th-21st Jul 2019

    Are you able to disclose the location, or has that not been finalized yet? Also, can we bring our Switch's for some Super Smash Bros Ultimate while we're there? I'm down for a drunk tourney (for those that are old enough to drink) if anyone else is. :D:emoji_video_game::emoji_beer:
  8. Groot

    Comfortability or popularity?

    I also tend to get that sensation, but more so on my shins because of those shin restraints. And I also still love every RMC I've ridden.
  9. Groot

    Comfortability or popularity?

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I just wish I could experience these coasters the same way that everyone else could. Is it ever likely that they would completely change the trains on one of those classic coasters to accommodate the larger sizes of today's GP?
  10. Groot

    Comfortability or popularity?

    Hello Everyone, I've got a question that seems to be on my mind a lot lately. I'm a tall, very long-legged guy, and as a result I tend to have difficulties fitting into certain coasters, more specifically the classic wooden ones. This got me thinking, on these classic wooden coasters, am I...
  11. Groot

    Fury of the Copperhead | CAROWINDS | 4th May 2019

    Husband here, just so you all know who the newest recruit to dark side actually is!