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  1. Y

    How old were you when you hit 1.4m

    When I was 8, a month before I turned 9. But I didn't really care since I was (WAS!!!) too scared to go on anything. My first two 1.4m rides were Talon & Hydra.
  2. Y

    G.A.S.M being closed this year for demolition?

    I don't know. My friends been telling me G.A.S.M is being closed down because of its roughness or its age. Last time I've been to SFGAdv was when I was 8. I didn't get to ride it yet! :shock: :cry:
  3. Y

    Drops or loops?

    Drops. They take your breath away :shock: (literaly) if it's high and fast enough. Loops. Hate 'em. If I want to look at my feet while turning upside-down, I'd do a somersault.