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Universal considering UK theme park in Bedford


Giga Poster
Just waiting for someone to find a rare species of spider that no-one has ever heard of to shut down the whole project.

You just know something like that will happen.

Like the planned Therme waterpark in Manchester has just been delayed due to discovery of rare orchids


Matt N

CF Legend
Context, please?
It's common for theme parks and other large infrastructure projects to be stalled in the UK by the presence of a rare species of wildlife being discovered on the site.

For example, the ill-fated London Resort project in Kent was stymied by the presence of a rare species of jumping spider on the site. This led to the site eventually being designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), which basically put an end to any hopes of ever building on the site.

Universal's earlier attempt at a park in the UK 30-35 years ago, due to be located in Rainham in Essex, was stymied for similar reasons. The RSPB had profound concerns about the land being built on, and the proposal was cancelled and we now have a nature reserve, RSPB Rainham Marshes, there as a result.

Nicky Borrill

Strata Poster
Context, please?
Lookup the London Resort

Another interesting article about how the theme park could lower local house prices £50k!
Well I know where NOT to go for property advice now.

Not a chance in hell this lowers prices in the long run. During construction, maybe, but in the long run no chance at all. In fact, I'd give it 10 years before locals are complaining that property prices are too high for locals to buy homes, due to holiday rentals buying up all of the properties, and inflating prices.