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Your Least Common Opinion?

I'm kind of looking forward to ranking Reborn over Steel Vengeance :D

Nothing happens for around half the ride (the underwhelming 2nd and 4th quarters). No airtime, no fast turns and no intensity. Mine train. It’s a ****ing mine train with a couple of bonus whizzy bits tacked on.

I was disappointed on my first visit, I’ve been disappointed on two other visits expecting to finally ‘get it’. But no. With all the universal praise, I feel like ride has deliberately gone out of its way to aggravate me and insult me. It’s the only explanation.

Very pretty area, fun ride, but easily the most overhyped coaster on the forum IMO.

Yeah, I said it. Come at me bro / bro-ettes 🦀 *flexes claws*
****ing finally.

I thought it was just me 🤣 🤣

I think people just really like corners. I once drove slightly too fast from Skegness to Mablethorpe and if you know that road, you'll see why it was a similar experience.

I'll wheel out my opinion that makes everyone roll their eyes at me once again - everything at Phantasialand LOOKS better than it rides. I'll qualify that by saying that it's far and away the best looking park I've visisted, but I still once made a rather bad taste joke that it's like spending a night with a pornstar...
I'm kind of looking forward to ranking Reborn over Steel Vengeance :D

****ing finally.

I thought it was just me 🤣 🤣

I think people just really like corners. I once drove slightly too fast from Skegness to Mablethorpe and if you know that road, you'll see why it was a similar experience.

I'll wheel out my opinion that makes everyone roll their eyes at me once again - everything at Phantasialand LOOKS better than it rides. I'll qualify that by saying that it's far and away the best looking park I've visisted, but I still once made a rather bad taste joke that it's like spending a night with a pornstar...
I'll have to give it a go this weekend. Back in Skeg again for reasons.

If anyone is wanting to go to Fantasy Island on Sunday let me know as I'll probably end up soloing it all day.
Nemesis reborn better than montu
That isn't in the slightest bit controversial... At this point I'm not even sure it classes as subjective, it's more an objective fact.

I'll have to give it a go this weekend. Back in Skeg again for reasons.

If anyone is wanting to go to Fantasy Island on Sunday let me know as I'll probably end up soloing it all day.
What awful crime did you commit to deserve that punishment?

****ing finally.

I thought it was just me 🤣 🤣

I think people just really like corners. I once drove slightly too fast from Skegness to Mablethorpe and if you know that road, you'll see why it was a similar experience.

I'll wheel out my opinion that makes everyone roll their eyes at me once again - everything at Phantasialand LOOKS better than it rides. I'll qualify that by saying that it's far and away the best looking park I've visisted, but I still once made a rather bad taste joke that it's like spending a night with a pornstar...
🤫🤫🤫 Shhh... Crazy talk right there, people will start getting the wrong idea about you.

Also, how the hell did you manage to mention Skegvegas and Phantasialand in the same comment?
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It's a pretty common enthusiast take that Vekoma SLCs have good layouts but just ride badly. And I'm here to go against that by saying the layout isn't really that good either. The layout admittedly goes pretty hard for the first half but practically ends at the sidewinder - the rest after that is boring or uncomfortable filler that doesn't matter. Helix is nothing, the consecutive rolls are uncreative and everything after that is just the ride trying to get back to the station.

If half of a layout is decent and the other half is pretty dead, in my eyes that doesn't constitute a "good layout". A good layout is interesting and fun to the very end, and the finale of the SLCs don't quite capture that at all.
It's a pretty common enthusiast take that Vekoma SLCs have good layouts but just ride badly. And I'm here to go against that by saying the layout isn't really that good either. The layout admittedly goes pretty hard for the first half but practically ends at the sidewinder - the rest after that is boring or uncomfortable filler that doesn't matter. Helix is nothing, the consecutive rolls are uncreative and everything after that is just the ride trying to get back to the station.

If half of a layout is decent and the other half is pretty dead, in my eyes that doesn't constitute a "good layout". A good layout is interesting and fun to the very end, and the finale of the SLCs don't quite capture that at all.
I agree, but with one exception. Despite my disdain for Skeggy, I do really like The Odyssey, and think it has a great layout that rides surprisingly smoothly for an SLC.

But since I'm fairly confident that you were talking about the 'off the shelf' layout and it's variants, I don't know how relevant this is... Maybe another uncommon opinion?
But since I'm fairly confident that you were talking about the 'off the shelf' layout and it's variants, I don't know how relevant this is... Maybe another uncommon opinion?
Yes, forgot that - referring to the off-the-shelf layouts here. I quite liked Odyssey and Kumali's layouts, much more than the standard models.
I'm kind of looking forward to ranking Reborn over Steel Vengeance
This aged well. The restraints on Nemesis don't hurt every time there's a pop (or explosion!) of airtime.

I kind of started realising last week that somewhere in our ranking and our search for taller and faster, we forgot one simple thing. Having fun. That's why I loved Beast so much. That night ride was everything I was promised, though I agree, that's not an opinion for this topic.

Rougarou was my second favourite coaster at CP, where the coasters aren't as good as they are at King's Island. There's one corner on that coaster that is probably one of the best single moments I've ever experienced. Kind of dies after the MCBR though, I can admit that.

I'd quite happily never ride Voyage again. Sure, it was great, but nothing to rave about.
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I've got quite a few but here's just one. I much prefer the theming in Rulantica to Europa Park. I'm not a fan of most of the theming at Europa Park. It's well done and all, but it lacks the escapism and fantasy of parks like Toverland, Efteling, or Phantasialand. Feels like it is missing a little bit of their attention to detail as well. The major exceptions to this being Wodan and Arthur, and to a lesser extent the Croatia area and some of the Austria area..
Copperhead Strike is the worst cred at Carowinds.

Worse than Nighthawk, worse than Vortex, worse than their rattly kiddy Vekoma, worse than their kiddy creds, worse than their boomerang.

Despise it. Only beaten to worst operating cred in the US by Thunderbolt.
Copperhead Strike is the worst cred at Carowinds.

Worse than Nighthawk, worse than Vortex, worse than their rattly kiddy Vekoma, worse than their kiddy creds, worse than their boomerang.

Despise it. Only beaten to worst operating cred in the US by Thunderbolt.
If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that made you hate Copperhead so much? It’s not too unusual to hear of someone who didn’t rave about it, but it’s quite unusual to hear of someone absolutely hating it like that.
Copperhead Strike is the worst cred at Carowinds.

Worse than Nighthawk, worse than Vortex, worse than their rattly kiddy Vekoma, worse than their kiddy creds, worse than their boomerang.

Despise it. Only beaten to worst operating cred in the US by Thunderbolt.
Now I want to know your thoughts on Icon 🙈😂
If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that made you hate Copperhead so much? It’s not too unusual to hear of someone who didn’t rave about it, but it’s quite unusual to hear of someone absolutely hating it like that.
I put this in the worst 5 coasters topic;
"I absolutely hated it mate. 4 sustained hangtime moments is way too many, 1 is fine, 2 is gross, 3 is disgusting, 4 is unacceptable.

I honestly would prefer to ride nearly anything than touch it again."

Anyone who knows me knows that sustained hang is absolutely the worst feeling for me. I can get past 1 moment if it's early on, like RTH. I can sometimes get past it if it's just once mid layout, like Batman Gotham City Escape at Parque Warner (and even then it does downgrade the ride for me).
But this thing starts with a horrible Jojo roll, the loops are sooooo slow, and the inverted top hat is the worst of the lot.
It has decent airtime, but it's ruined by the constant hang moments, I just wanted it to end.

Now I want to know your thoughts on Icon 🙈😂
Icon doesn't have the ****ty hang moments this does. It has it's own issues but doesn't actively offend me.
My apologies for bumping the thread, but relatives of mine having recently returned from their first ever trip to Florida and having absolutely loved Disney got me thinking about an unpopular take of mine; I’m somewhat apathetic towards Disney parks.

OK, maybe apathetic is a slightly strong word, but I’d say they are low down in my interest compared to other major theme parks, particularly given the company’s raw stature. It probably sounds like a completely mad opinion for me to hold given that Disney are the world’s most major theme park operator, and I apologise if it does, but hear me out for a second.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed Disney parks when I’ve visited them. Having been to the 4 parks in Florida, they are good, enjoyable parks, with Animal Kingdom and Epcot being my two favourites in the Florida resort. (I also went to the two parks at DLP, but I think it would be unfair of me to pass much comment on those given that I was only 8 at the time…)

But for me, I’d say that Disney parks lack a certain something to make me really love them and rank them among my very favourite parks. It could be the fact that the parks often don’t have many rides in them, and I am quite a big rides person in parks. It could be the fact that I’m generally not that huge on shows in parks, and Disney focus quite heavily on this. It could be the fact that I’m not a die hard Disney fan in general, and Disney is obviously going to appeal to you more if you are. I don’t really know exactly why. But for whatever reason, I’m surprisingly somewhat apathetic towards Disney given their stature.

On my last trip to Florida in 2023, I didn’t go to any Disney parks at all, only visiting Universal, SeaWorld and Busch Gardens. I was fine with that. Whereas in 2019, we only did Disney parks, and I did find myself missing that Universal fix and some of the other parks. I would like to go back to Florida at some point in the future, and when I do go, Universal will be at the very top of my revisit list, and SeaWorld and Busch would almost definitely be on the list as well. But despite me having been to Disney World 4 years less recently than those other parks and some pretty big stuff having been built there since my last visit, I’m honestly slightly indifferent, for lack of a better word, about the idea of revisiting the Disney parks. Whereas with Universal Orlando, I’d be absolutely buzzing about the idea of going back despite having only been last year.

And on a worldwide scale, I’ll admit that Disney doesn’t rank too highly on my bucket list of worldwide parks. I digress that some of their non-castle parks, particularly Tokyo DisneySea, look really interesting, but with the traditional castle parks in particular, I wouldn’t say they feature highly on my worldwide to-do list. In terms of worldwide theme park developments, I’m also slightly ashamed to admit that I zone out of Disney parks and their developments a tad, particularly the ones I haven’t been to.

As I’ve said, don’t take that to mean that I don’t like or enjoy Disney parks, because I do enjoy Disney parks when I visit. But I wouldn’t say that they rank among my very favourites and I wouldn’t say that the traditional castle parks in particular feature that highly on my worldwide bucket list. There are other worldwide parks that I’m more interested in visiting.
I’d say they are low down in my interest compared to other major theme parks
I understand and I must say I have many parks higher on my bucket list than Disney Parks (I only visited the Paris version). I guess the thing is: the attention to detail is insane and Disneyland Paris is a beautiful park, and yes I would absolutely love visiting some of the parks in the chain (Tokyo DisneySea would be one of those), but it is also noticeable that Disney has a younger target audience. A lot of the rides are about getting in touch with the famous characters and stories are usually thrown at you via animatronics and other obvious elements. Also, Disney parks (as I experienced the Paris version) are a lot. It's big, bombastic, colours and buildings everywhere, and also usually very crowded. I personally prefer parks like Phantasialand and Efteling. The focus of their theming is usually way more about creating environments that you are part of yourself. Creating lands explored by you, not by fictional characters and so, invites you as a visitor to use your own imagination a little more. And yes, of course all of this is just pure personal preference.
Icon doesn't have the ****ty hang moments this does. It has it's own issues but doesn't actively offend me.
I dunno, that roll is one of the strongest hang time moments I've felt... But going on your 1, 2, 3, 4 rule above, I guess it's fine. I suppose it als borders on 'centrifugal ejector' rather than out and out hangtime too, with the way it spins you.
A new one - I have absolutely zero concern regarding the future of Falcon's Flight at Six Flags Qiddiya. I see multiple concerns regarding that the ride won't live for very long and will sit SBNO indefinitely after a single-figure amount of years operating. I'm not sure why people are so pessimistic on the ride's operational lifespan, the ride is essentially just "Intamin has done this all before hundreds of times, it's just bigger than usual with some extra tweaks & quirks to accommodate the ride's additional size". I have no doubt the ride will live for considerably longer than people think.