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Playland (Vancouver) | Thundervolt | Zamperla/Intamin Launched Coaster | 2024

Renamed and moved to construction now. Not quite sure how to efficiently name the coaster type, but it'll do until I hear a better suggestion.
Anndddd the name is drumroll.....

(No, not a typo)

Also for whatever reason the budget has ballooned to $16-million, up from $9-million when it was first announced. In October the cost had grown to $10.5 million, as per the park. Part of it had to do with some squabbling over the nearby amphitheater rebuild project, but it baffles me how they can nearly double a price tag.
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Oh man I love that colour scheme, I've missed it. I know it was semi common to have pink supports yellow track like 20 years ago but it's so refreshing to have it back.
The layout looks like a small version of Rita/Desert Race but with a small top-hat instead directly going into the first turn.
Original purchase price, refurb, new trains, new electrics, new LSMs, shipping (roughly 9,300km without diversion to Zamperla first) , importation, transportation to site ain't cheap. Not to mention any planning submissions, local permits, the cost of labour shooting through the roof, marketing teams, etc.

It is a steep price, but there's a lot of expenditure with both refurbs and new coasters.
Original purchase price, refurb, new trains, new electrics, new LSMs, shipping (roughly 9,300km without diversion to Zamperla first) , importation, transportation to site ain't cheap. Not to mention any planning submissions, local permits, the cost of labour shooting through the roof, marketing teams, etc.

It is a steep price, but there's a lot of expenditure with both refurbs and new coasters.
I understand all that especially everything these days costs more than ever before. It's just that with that price tag Playland won't be getting anything new for a very long time! And I feel that they, and the Pacific Northwest in general could have more thrilling rides and coasters.
ThunderVolt will be opening this Saturday (6th July), hope it goes smother than TT2.
