Recent content by ZeroG

  1. Z

    Universal considering UK theme park in Bedford

    Hm, debatable. Anyway, let's not... derail... the thread too much. The real answer why there are less naysayers for Universal is because it affects far less people.
  2. Z

    Universal considering UK theme park in Bedford

    EWR negatively affects far more people and represents massive government, tax-funded (rather than commercial) investment with questionable benefit (a road would be more useful).
  3. Z

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    My take is it's more of a society-issue that a Merlin-issue. I honestly feel like at this point in society, it's pretty much impossible to get the masses to care about anything.
  4. Z

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    That's outrageous! I genuinely cannot believe that in a month we will be able to experience ejector airtime, while upside down, in a lap bar, while ~150 ft in the air.... in the UK. Huge.
  5. Z

    Cedar Point | Top Thrill 2 | Triple Launch Renovation | 2024

    Do glasses straps even work against negative G's?