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Recent content by SeanC

  1. S

    B&M Vest Restraints vs the original ones

    It depends. If the ride is taken care of, then the OG restraints are better since they're less restrictive. But if the ride has gotten rougher, then the vests might be necessary to prevent head banging. When I last rode Kumba, for example, it was rough and I thought it needed the vests if not a...
  2. S

    Top 10(ish): 2025 Edition - page 129

    Updated top 25. Note that I haven't yet been to Europe, and I haven't ridden Gwazi and ArieForce -- which I expect would make this list... 25. GateKeeper (Cedar Point) This ride is the ultimate "I'm at Cedar Point, my happy place" coaster. Incredibly graceful. Awesome views of the beach. The...
  3. S

    Rank the RMCs

    interesting. I thought Hakugei was the most intense RMC I've ridden -- although I haven't ridden Zadra/Gwazi/ArieForce yet. I'm trying to decide if I can make a quick/cheap Atlanta trip. It seems to be getting rave reviews.
  4. S

    Fury 325 Closed - Support Fracture

    The incident didn't get buried though. It went viral and was on the morning national news at a time that the U.S. had like 5 mass shootings over the holiday weekend and there was cocaine found at the White House. Granted, we live in a time where everything is sensationalized and blown out of...
  5. S

    Fury 325 Closed - Support Fracture

    Honestly, I expect this to have significant ramifications. It's making the morning national news (Good Morning America). It's not like with El Toro, where the ride actually did hurt people, but there were no viral visual bites to share. This is the most dangerous video of a roller coaster that I...
  6. S

    Last Cred Review

    Recap of my Japan trip with new cred reviews. Before getting into the coasters, Japan is an amazing country. I wish I spoke the language (it's one of the hardest to learn for English speakers, has 3 alphabets, etc.). The people there are kind and polite, the culture born out of Shinto and...
  7. S

    Last Cred Review

    Few new ones from the Korea trip At Lotte World Adventure Busan.... Giant Digger (#238) This was my first Mack Blue Fire clone. It's a really tight layout with good airtime and hangtime. I really enjoyed it but would have enjoyed it much more if it didn't have such a significant rattle. 7/10...
  8. S

    Last Cred Review

    #236: T Express (Everland Resort) I felt very lucky I got to ride this. I'd be curious to hear from other fellow enthusiasts what they think. My opinion... Pros: Stellar first drop... Best layout for a traditional wooden coaster (next to The Voyage) in my opinion... Excellent airtime: some...
  9. S

    Rank the RMCs

    Haven't gotten on a bunch of these including anything outside the US, Iron Gwazi, Joker, Outlaw Run, Jersey Devil, Twisted Cyclone, and Goliath. 10. Wonder Woman Flight of Courage (SFMM) Just wrote about this, but this feels like the epitome of a good-not-great ride. No whip, decent ejector in...
  10. S

    Last Cred Review

    235 -- Wonder Woman Flight of Courage at Magic Mountain This is the only B+ RMC I've been on while the rest are all in the A+ to A- range. I rode once in the front and once in the back -- the back had some decent ejector on the first drop and a couple of the hills. Front only had mild floater...
  11. S

    A coaster from 0 to 10

    10/10 -- Voyage 9/10 -- Storm Chaser 8/10 -- X2 7/10 -- Wicked Cyclone 6/10 -- Full Throttle 5/10 -- Canyon Blaster 4/10 -- Mystery Mine 3/10 -- Any S&S regular-sized 4D free spin 2/10 -- Coast Rider 1/10 -- T3
  12. S

    El Toro incident 25 August

    i could see el toro being shut down indefinitely unfortunately. this incident is getting a lot of bad press, and it's the second incident in two years. Logic dictates that a large company with new leadership would blame an older attraction that the current leadership didn't build rather than the...
  13. S

    SFMM | Wonder Woman Flight of Courage | RMC Raptor | 2022

    isn't part of it that a lot of folks were underwhelmed by jersey devil? if it's as good as or better than wonder woman in san antonio, then it would probably be my favorite ride at the park.
  14. S

    Great rides that just lack… something

    completely agree. it also feels like there should be another third to this ride at the end. Even some bunny hills or something cliche could help. Also, other than the backward airtime hills (which are great, don't get me wrong), it doesn't feel like there are any standout moments on this ride.
  15. S

    Magic Mountain Mild Warning

    yep I normally am the type to double check that it's locked twice. I was probably just distracted by something else when I was leaving this one time.