Recent content by billybobjoebob

  1. billybobjoebob

    Best and Worst launch coasters?

    ^ Top Thrill beats Ka Does Maverick count? If so, then that's my #1 launching coaster.
  2. billybobjoebob

    Sweetest thing you have done for your Girl

    This, and it paid off :--D
  3. billybobjoebob

    Celebrity Crushes

    Everyone has at least one, who is it for you??? For me Jen Ledger :wink: and Kaley Cuoco.
  4. billybobjoebob

    "Did I ever tell you when I woke up and...?"

    I woke up once to find that my brother was jerking off in the bunk above me! And this was when he was 9!
  5. billybobjoebob


    What do you think is the best ride for airtime? Best airtime moment? The best ride for airtime is definately either Toro or Skyrush. I would probably give Skyrush the edge over Toro. My top three airtime moments: 3. Skyrush's first airtime hill 2. Magnum, the hill right before the last...
  6. billybobjoebob

    Slowest/fastest lift hills

    I know it's definately not the slowest, but the slowest that i've been on was definately Magnum. However, I think it's just short enough to build up the perfect amount of tension, and the ride is amazing. Fastest: Skyrush. period.
  7. billybobjoebob

    TTD Supports Shaking

    I can't seem to find a video that shows it, but i know that the norwegian loop on fahrenheit at HP sways A LOT, i've seen it in person.
  8. billybobjoebob

    Worst and Best Colour Scheme

    Leviathan is so pretty, especially during sunrise/sunset! :shock: Silver Bullet is just so god awful, especially the lift hill and the underside of the trains :x
  9. billybobjoebob

    Support hugging!

    hugging Intimidator 305 as the train went over the first camelback= amazing!!!
  10. billybobjoebob

    Cedar Point | "GateKeeper" | B&M Wingrider

    Ok, i'm a belieber now :--D This is gonna look fantastic over the front gate!
  11. billybobjoebob

    Cedar Point | "GateKeeper" | B&M Wingrider

    How exactly is that picture proof???
  12. billybobjoebob

    Best Cedar Point Coaster?

    Yeah Blue Streak has great airtime, but Skyrush and El Toro absolutely blow it away.
  13. billybobjoebob

    Best Cedar Point Coaster?

    I have included Wildcat and Disaster Transport just in case, since they were just closed. Call me weird but my favorite is by far blue streak. Rode it 7 times in a row without leaving my seat (second row left seat), the ride is number 1 on my list. Maverick is a close 2nd.
  14. billybobjoebob

    Your first Drop Tower experience

    my first was tower of terror, but i only remember riding that in 2010, i was too little to remember the first time i rode it. First drop tower i remember was the drop side of power tower at CP. haha I think i might have actually pissed myself. The scariest part was when it clicked in at the...