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Terms and rules

To make sure everybody gets the best out of the CoasterForce forums, there are a few guidelines that we expect every member to follow. Most of the these rules are common sense to ensure every member of CoasterForce feels welcome and that the forums don't look untidy, so please don't stress out about them.

The forums are moderated by the CoasterForce Site Team who reserve the right to issue warnings, edit/delete posts, move/lock/merge/split topics and ban persistent offenders. All moderators interpret the guidelines using their own discretion.

1. Posting Effectively

a. Anything you post must be relevant to the topic under discussion. A discussion in real life would naturally take many twists and turns but, providing the essence of the topic isn't lost, post away!

b. Please don't spam. That's a basic rule for any online forum. Spam could be classed as anything pointless as decided by a moderator.

c. Check for similar topics before starting a new one. If a topic is similar to something recently posted, you might not get many replies. Do a quick search before posting and feel free to re-spark the conversation in an existing topic. If a topic hasn't had a reply for ages (like a year), then it's probably best to start a new one.

d. Post in the correct forum. Every forum has a brief description which should help you choose where to post. You might have to hover over the forum name (ie: General Discussions) to see the descriptions depending on your browser.

e. Use a spell checker. We all make mistakes but your posts will be easier to understand and will have greater interaction if they are worded well.

f. Credit photos/videos from external sources. You are more than welcome to post theme park related images and videos from other websites. All we ask if that you clearly credit where the media originated from by means of a link.

2. Respecting Other Members

a. Limit swearing. There is a censor that blocks all the naughty words but persistence use of swear words, particularly in direct response to another member, can be seen as aggressive.

b. If it doesn't involve you, keep out. From time to time, arguments will break out. If it becomes personal, we kindly ask that other members do not get involved. Leave it to a moderator to sort out.

c. Respect other's opinions. Not everybody has ridden over 500 coasters and been to several hundred parks. Just because you might be well travelled, that doesn't give you the right to belittle others. We all have to start somewhere. Get your point across by being polite and backing it up with fair and reasonable arguments. Different opinions make an online community thrive!

3. Decency

a. CoasterForce only wants open minded and decent people posting on the forums. You agree to not use CoasterForce to submit or link to any content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.


Content submitted express the views of their author only and may not reflect the views of CoasterForce. You are granting CoasterForce with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the service we provide. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use CoasterForce. If you wish to close your account, please contact us. For further information about our terms and guidelines, please contact
