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Cedar Point | Top Thrill 2 | Triple Launch Renovation | 2024

Welp...didn't want to be in this boat, and didn't expect this to happen, but I'm going to be in Michigan the 2nd week in September...so now I'm crossing my fingers that they're still working on getting this thing opened before the season comes to an end.

We wanted to go to Kings Island but their schedule is funky in September, so we're going to miss it. So we're probably going to Cedar Point instead.

If they get this thing up and running in a month...it will be a very pleasant surprise.
Alright, new thought to Zamperla digging to the center of the earth on the TT2 supports; could this and the collective non-destructive testing be, in part, measuring and inspective current state of supports, with the intent to add more supports and cross-bracing to best secure track from sidesway/mitigate LSM slap? Essentially, remap out all support structures and force vectors. (e.g. the core sample could have been to take internal measurements not apparent in existing blueprints)

Grasping at straws, like everyone else, especially for "what the next play" actually is.
I'm hedging my bets that it will even be open for season start in 2025, I'm have already booked my trip to Cedar Point in May next year with the expectation it won't be open, but it will be a pleasant surprise if it is.

I think it's always going to be a problematic ride no matter who builds it. Perhaps the land Top Thrill is built on is cursed?
Welp, practically everyone in the coaster community waved red flags when Zamperla was announced for this, and it seems they were right. The only folks clueless enough to select Zamperla for something of this magnitude was Cedar Fair.

Don't know why they're even trusting at this point that the "new" modifications we're all having to wait until 2025 for will be sufficient long term. Time to dump Zamperla and find a coaster company that actually has a credible reputation, unless they're fine with having another useless record: the biggest most expensive lawn ornament on the planet.

What an unmitigated diasaster.
Zamperla did newly innovative modifications to a massive scale attraction. Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on Zamperla and the expectations should have been on the same level when you buy a prototype attraction. I think reviews about the comfort of their trains and the project they did in the Vancouver park are positive? They just need to learn from what went wrong here.
I was taking hope in the clear work and focus that was put on the train (and weighting it with new modified weight system), but alas time clearly ran out for serious work this season.

Please just have this thing ready to rock and roll come next May. Enough with the flub ups, and Zamperla is getting a full year of re-engineering.
As much as everyone is criticising Zamperla and saying “we all knew this would happen”, I think they can’t be blamed for the scale of the ride, and if you look around the world, other rides of this height and/or speed have not exactly been plain sailing.

Formula Rossa, the world’s fastest coaster, is currently closed and has been for many months. Kingda Ka, the remaining unmodified Intamin strata coaster, had an extended bout of downtime just last year. The original Top Thrill Dragster was not exactly known for its reliability. Do-Dodonpa was permanently removed recently after a life that wasn’t exactly problem-free. Ring Racer at the Nurburgring was repeatedly delayed for years while they tampered with the speed, operated for 4 days when it did open and then never operated again… the list goes on.

My point is that these 100+mph launch coasters are often unreliable, complex beasts regardless of manufacturer. We don’t know that what happened is necessarily entirely attributable to Zamperla or whether it’s simply a biproduct of the coaster’s sheer size and speed and the increased complexities that come with that. Zamperla have successfully pulled off thrill coaster projects before without issue, seemingly including the Intamin LSM conversion in Vancouver.
How so? They're not SBFVisa/Visacoaster
Those merely have a reputation for being boring or unremarkable, if their reputation is even brought up for discussion. Zamperla has a reputation for being utterly vile, as anyone who has ridden one of their thrill coasters can attest to.
Those merely have a reputation for being boring or unremarkable, if their reputation is even brought up for discussion. Zamperla has a reputation for being utterly vile, as anyone who has ridden one of their thrill coasters can attest to.
I meeeaaan maybe their classic kiddie coasters and the compact spinners they spam everywhere are known as unremarkable but basically anything else from SBF like their silly attempt at a family boomerang (Verrücktwärts) or their spinners with OTSRs (like Viking Rollercoaster) are panned for being absolutely vile to ride or are so jiggly that they lose momentum faster than my career, and lest we forget the infamous tower coaster (which SBF still offers on their website). Zamperla's family coasters at least are pretty good, SBF seemingly can't even make a family coaster.
Info from ACE’s NoCoasterCon today;
- Zamperla is still working on modifying the trains
- The park expects to have the trains back in the next few months
- They expect the ride to be ready for Opening Day 2025
- Tony was NOT able to discuss modifications
When the park says the manufacturer is modifying the trains, but can’t say what they’re modifying:

If they do get it open soon (ie. before FF) they can once again advertise it as the tallest ride in the World, 20 years after the original TTD was dethroned.
The true motive of the Six Flags/Cedar Fair merger finally revealed!
Sorry to be so pragmatic, but I cannot believe they are not done with the trains yet.

Literally model them after the TTD Intamin trains that have bogeys which have been proven for 20+ years, install the magnetic fins for the retrofitted launch and be done with it.

The optimism from Tony is great, but the fact of the matter is nobody can confirm anything until those trains are on the track and running.

I'm not holding my breath.