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Solve That Riddle

The Grape Wizard

Hyper Poster
Like the title says, solve the riddle.

Ill post a riddle and the person who gets it posts one of their own, etc....

A man was staring out of the grimy 22nd floor window, he was that depressed he opened the window and jumped through, it was a sheer drop. The man got up without a scratch on him. With nothing to break his fall and nothing to slow his decent, how did he survive?
^I dunno, the window was being cleaned and he landed on the cleaning things that they use to clean the big buildings windows....

Or, its some crazy builing, and the first 21 floors are underground?
He was window cleaner on the outside and he jumped into the building.

New Riddle -

Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?
They were married

Your flying a plane at 10,000ft below 20,000ft, at just over 200mph, the plane prepares to land at Chicago O'Hare airport, when it lands goes to gate 6, what's the name of the pilot?
A river.

Some people are investigating the aftermath of a large forest fire. Among the burnt plants they find a man lying dead wearing a full diving suit. He is completely unscathed by the fire but has several broken bones.

What happened?

A firefighting plane filled its tanks with water from a lake, sucking a scuba-diver in and was dumped onto a burning forest with the water?

How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying?
How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying?

He was the vicar doing the weddings. :)

When is it bad luck to meet a white cat?

One dark knight, a Witch and a Wizard go into a castle for the night, there is no body in the castle when they go in, and nobody goes in to the castle during the night. The next morning three people come out. How can this be?