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New Paramount Park in Murcia, Spain.


CF Legend
Hi all, sorry if there is already a topic but just done a quick search and didn't find anything.

I have recently got my hands on a newspaper article that's pretty promising. It doesn't give much information away on this project but does say a few little gems. It's from the Costa Banca and Costa Calida Leader paper.


The paramount theme park planned for Murcia is back in the news again, and this time the Project definitely seems to be on.

Businessmen throughout the region are crossing their fingers that this time the idea comes to fruition, as it would give the region a huge economic boost, offering thousands of jobs, building work, and bringing a much needed boost to the tourism industry in the province.

It appears that Paramount have given their thumps up to the project but will not invest in it themselves. This leaves the door open to brand new investors who see this brand new venture as a way of multiplying their input and giving the a name for themselves.

Paramount Licensing will participate in the plans for the theme park, providing conceptual designs for the installations and attractions as well as giving the park a license to use their trademark and characters from their films.

The government of Murcia will not invest in the park either. The main money will come from Santa Monica Financial Services, which belongs to the Santa Monica Sport Group, presided by Jesus Stamper. The councillor for culture for Murcia, Pedro Alberto Cruz, has said that private investors will also be invited to participate in the project. The location of the park have not yet been decided, but various sited are being studied, and Cruz said that this decision would be made in the next few weeks. He added that this will be much more then a theme park and will compliment the huge steps forward the huge steps forward that the region of Murcia is about to make, with a brand new international airport opening next year, the high speed AVE train getting closer and closer, and the building of the new digital cit Contemplis near Cartagena.

Mario Pedro Reverte, a Murcian Councillor describes the building of the new Paramount Park as the most important event for Murcia in the 21st Century. "The arrival of any investors, whoever they may be, will be given a warm welcome by the Murcian government," he stated last week.

The announcement has been described as an injection of optimism for the region and it's future. It is believed Paramount will visit Murcia in the near future to design the building wrk and the master plan for the project.

Darren Kyman, the executive director for Paramount Licensing said last Friday that an agreement has been made to establish a huge entertainment centre in the region of Murcia. "We believe that Murcia represents a great opportunity to take a Paramount Film Studios Park to Europe, and we are looking forward to working with the regional government and Santa Monica Financial Services S.A. to develop the existing project," he communicated at the latest press conference.

The project could provide over 20,000 jobs, attract three million tourists more a year to the region and fill all the hotels in and around Murcia.

Jesus Stamper, the owner of Real Murcia, and Santa Monica Financial, explained last Tuesday that due to a confidentiality contract he cannot give away any details of the new theme park yet. However, huge speculation over the location is already being generated, and all eyes seem to land next to the Polaris World urbanisation near Alhama, which happens to be fairly close to the new airport. It is also next to the Green area of Parque Natural el Carrasco and El Valle, and near to Cartagena-Murcia motorway.

An area of 6 million metres is needed for the construction. It is also believed that around the theme park a number of hotels and casinos will be built. Foreign owners of casinos (Russians and Korean) have already offered to invest in the project if they are guaranteed permission to open their own casinos in the complex.

Jesus Samper has already agreed to invest 1.8 million dollars in the project for the license, and it is believed a further 4 to 6 million euros will be needed to get work started on the park.

As I said, there are a few sections that explain it a bit more..


Mega Poster
The government of Murcia will not invest in the park either. The main money will come from Santa Monica Financial Services, which belongs to the Santa Monica Sport Group, presided by Jesus Stamper.
Now that's what I'd call an aggressive atheist...


CF Legend
STC said:
The government of Murcia will not invest in the park either. The main money will come from Santa Monica Financial Services, which belongs to the Santa Monica Sport Group, presided by Jesus Stamper.
Now that's what I'd call an aggressive atheist...


CF Legend

The bit what worries me with this is how Paramount have basically said that they will let it happen but not fund it. Do you think that they have learned their lesson with Terra Mitica? I mean Terra is only about an hour and half drive from where this park is going to be!


Roller Poster
My granddad lives near there, should be good for a family visit in a few years time. Biggest theme park in the world?? I dunno. But I reckon we need another Tilt coaster. Will paramount park deliver?? :?:


Giga Poster
^Where does it say it'll be the biggest theme park in the world? I seriously doubt that! But if it want to keep up with the competition from Port Aventura and Parque Warner the park should have at least 2-3 major coasters and a pretty decent size, which would be awesome! :)


The decision on this theme park is meant to happen next week. Unfortunately the man in charge has just been arrested as part of a corruption inquiry (not related to this deal at all) although following that news came statements that this inquiry would come to nothing and even so would not affect the theme park project going ahead.

Last news is that the decision is expected to be between Fuenta Alamo and Condado de Alhama in Murcia. Both about 20 minutes from the new Corvera Airport (expected to open late 2011) and the coast. Apparently the news could be released next week.

The site for the theme park is smaller than Disney Paris and should also contain a studio complex for Paramount, hotels and assorted retail outlets and the theme park. It is said the concept will be nothing like any theme park that already exists.

No news on any ride that will be part of the park Paramount have agreed to put their name to the park and to allow rides to reflect famous movies. Funding is coming from investors and not from Paramount or from the local region. They have come up with estimated visitor figures of 3 million per year, but what they base that on is unknown. Some commentators feel that after an initial flurry of interest from outside Spain it will become a tourist attraction for the Spanish who tend to holiday in their homeland and interest from the rest of Europe will be moderate. However, the area has new and excellent road links, a high speed train link across the region from Alicante to Cartagena is in the pipeline and there's that new airport so it may well develop as a location for short breaks rather than the two week holiday.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team

I found this whilst digging around for information on behalf of my Nan who lives in Murcia and found this lovely nugget from condadodealhamaservices.com, which I've digested for you. :)

Last week, the Paramount officials unveiled a video detailing the plans and design for the new resort.

At least five different areas are planned, each with attractions themed to Paramount’s most popular movies. The areas will be known as follows;

Adventure City where the focus is on special effects and grandeur. There will be an Italian Job themed roller coaster. Mission: Impossible is represented by a 4D attraction. Also included is a special effect experience detailing the ill fated Titanic, called Titanic Exposed.

The Lost Valley area will be themed to a jungle/lost tomb area, with the emphasis on mystery and discovery. Tomb Raider and Congo River are two of the interactive, highly themed rides planned. There is also a Dragons Legend roller coaster in the pipeline.

Fantasy Space will house a family roller coaster themed to fairy tales. Continuing with the family friendly theme, other attractions in this area include playgrounds in a fantasy style environment.

There’s a scientific and space exploration area called Plaza Future. The War of The Worlds attraction will be another 4D attraction. There is a motion simulator themed to Star Trek.

The final area, Lifestyle Centre will contain restaurants, the largest meeting room in Murcia, two 5-star hotels, three 4-start hotels, 3-star resorts, clubs, bars and a 15,000 seat auditorium!

You can watch the video here:

Construction of the 158 hectare resort should start towards the end of this year and will open in 2015. Paramount have secured the license for a 30 year period and will create over 10,000 during and after construction.

Sounds great! Three coasters and plenty of other interactive attractions in a well themed park sounds like a winner to me. Looks like I should start phoning my Nan!


CF Legend
All you had to do was say Tomb Raider and I'll be there in a flash. :p
It does sound good although I'd prefer more actual rides than just several 4D shows and simulators.


CF Legend
Sounds pretty cool, quite a long time till opening though but it will be interesting to see how this progresses. I wonder what type of coasters it'll open with.


Hyper Poster
Damn, I used to live near-ish to here 10 years ago! I'm out of the loop now though, didn't even know Murcia was getting a new airport...

Anyway, the SE of Spain could definitely do with something like this to provide a focus for tourists.

Shall definitely be keeping an eye on it! (Just don't hold your breath, Spanish building projects are not best known for staying on schedule).


Goon of the Year
Nothing in Spain runs smoothly, its annoying! Murcia does have a airport, they are probably upgrading all the facilities of it. To be fair it needs it especially with a GOOD tourist attraction nearby.

In the mean time, Terra Mittica anyone?


Giga Poster
Sounds excellent! Definately a park I would visit. Shame there is no new waterpark to make the most of the weather though.

A bit of competiton for PA aswell. As without a doubt this will apppeal highly to the UK market.


Strata Poster
Ian said:
There will be an Italian Job themed roller coaster
They probably actually mean "The LA Job" by that, don't they? (ie, another "Back Lot Stunt Coaster") If so, I'll cry.

If not, and they're going to actually theme it to the ACTUAL Italian job, then I might actually spontaneously orgasm.


CF Legend
Mushroom said:
Nothing in Spain runs smoothly, its annoying! Murcia does have a airport, they are probably upgrading all the facilities of it. To be fair it needs it especially with a GOOD tourist attraction nearby.

In the mean time, Terra Mittica anyone?

Some family members live in Murcia (well just out of there). The airport is being done up, and from what I've been told, another Terminal is being planned as well as high speed rail links to make this area a lot more connected to the rest of spain, Europe and the world.

This park can do nothing but good for this area. I am extremely excited for the next visits to the family!


Giga Poster
It seems like there will be mainly 4D/simulator/special effect rides, not so many "real" rides. This does not appeal to me, I definitely prefer roller coasters and flat rides! I wont reject this park just yet, the two roller coasters might turn out awesome! But they better be, otherwise I won't bother to visit..


Giga Poster
Joey said:
Nothing runs smoothly in Spain because procrastination is part of the national identity.

Then I guess I am not Spaniard! :)

This park is a bad move in my opinion, because Spain already has 4 theme parks and none, bar PA, is doing good right now. Not even the oldest and best of all (PA) has ever reached 4,5 million visitors in a season. Do they *really* think they can do it?

Plus, the concept is not original at all. Movie based theme park? There's already Warner Bros Park. And Terra Mítica has proved that dark rides and show attractions just don't workin Spain, not even disguised under excellent themeing and landscaping.

As an enthusiast, I am happy, but I am not convinced at all this will work.


Strata Poster
^ Yeah, seems like the Spanish theme park market is already saturated with just 4 major parks, none of which are exactly excelling (Tibi has gone downhill, Terra Mitica has a history of financial problems and nobody even BOTHERS going to Warner).

Oh, and after going to a few (ex) paramount parks I can safely say that any future ones should be banned. Although, if they're not directly involved in the construction/management of the park I guess it could be OK.

I dunno, it just seems like a silly idea at the moment, but like Oriol says, a new park is a new park even if it does do a Hard Rock. ;).