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My Band


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
Outstanding! Keep it up is all I can say.
I was in my first band when I was 12-13 years old and it was some of the most fun I've ever had. We only played a few paying gigs, but it felt so rewarding to actually make money from playing music instead of our part-time jobs (delivering newspapers, etc.). We even got to play a concert at our school dance (in between the breaks of the cover band the school hired) and we became quite popular locally.
We mostly played covers of the hard rock bands of the time (Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath, Nazareth, etc.), but we also wrote a few of our own tunes. Have you guys tried writing anything yet?
Hope things go your way and you guys can stick together at least until high school. Our drummer was in a really bad motorcycle accident 3 years after we formed the band and couldn't play anymore. Needless to say it was never quite the same after that, even though his replacement was a better drummer.


Mega Poster
Ye we have started making our own material, sounds quite good if I may say! :wink:
ECG sorry to hear about the drummer in the motorbike accident, I hope he's ok. :)


Giga Poster
Wow, very good. I'm impressed.

Only thing, try not to have music on stage with you. It looks really bad, when you sound really good.


Dude amazing band at least you can get a gig my band writes our own songs so we're not very good. keep it up, man!


Strata Poster
Ben said:
OK, I'll be honest, I was expecting my ears to start bleeding when I clicked play after reading "13" and "playing"...

... but, that was really quite good! Keep it up!

That particular G'n'R song makes my ears bleed anyways, but I'll agree:

Sounds good!

The B.O.C. song is really good, too.


Mega Poster
Kudos! You're better than half the vocalists i've had to suffer, with their "none of this is mine therefore i don't have to help" and "its all about me" attitudes, and you can sing in tune. In my honest opinion your lead guitarist deserves a medal for sorting that riff in sweet child, its a fiddly annoying riff to play for anyone! Another reason why i play prog/death/thrash metal! Lol!


Mega Poster
for ur age u guys have alot of talent!!! Have u written any of ur own songs, or are you just playing covers?