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Most annoying thing at a park.

Most annoying ?

  • Queue Jumpers

    Votes: 16 51.6%
  • Know it alls (but they don't know anything!)

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Stupid comparissons (e.g, dragon khan to corkscrew)

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Braggers of where and what parks they have been.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Explaining the ride in the queue (bu, explain it wrong)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Queue stoppers (watche the ride, don't move on, you get the point)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other (please state below)

    Votes: 6 19.4%

  • Total voters


CF Legend
Hi, These things are what annoy me at parks. IMO they all annoy me lol sometimes from parks i need anger management straight away .lol.

Thanks. -coaster-fanatic-06-
Those who think they know it all, but truly have no clue.

I consider that to be the top sin among annoying things in a park.

Granted, I'm glad to see people be so avidly enthused about the park....but please...don't announce to all in your immediate surrounding such "facts" as how Mean Streak is completely rebuilt every 4 years, how countless people have died on each ride, which ocean CP is on, etc.
The most annoying things are chavs. They normaly are the Q-line jumpers and they normaly take the mick out off everybody. I find it funny when some of the GP think they know it all. For example, most think that the break fins on stealth launch the train! It just makes you want to tell them how it works.
I'll never get what bothers people about someone not instantly moving in a queue. YOU'RE NOT GETTING ON THE RIDE ANY FASTER LOVE!

The most annoying thing? Waiting for people. At least in a queue there's a purpose. Waiting for people to do... whatever is pointless and wastes ride time. Faff </3.
Queue Jumpers - They don't get past me. Simply.

Loud People/Chav's - Annoying, and somewhat pathetic. But bearable

Know It All's - Actually keep me entertained whilst queueing :p
Queue jumpers, definately.

The rest doesn't really bother me, but queue jumpers get me so fustrated, ESPECIALLY if it's directly in front of me, in which case they're not there for long :lol:
Other - Minor_Furie! Damn his shaved little head! :lol:
Queue jumpers by a long way - wrong explainers and confused know-it alls are very funny, except when they realise they're laughing at you... and I am a queue stopper - mostly due to watching, or an attempt at blocking queue jumpers. You missed off queue line smokers as well :p
Yeah, the most annoying thing would have to be: the people explaining the ride in the queue, but they explain it wrong. That is the most annoying. Like one time I was in line for TTD and this person is like:

Idiot 1: "so yeah, this is like the second tallest coaster in the world."
Idiot 2: "Oh really?"
1: "Yeah, it is like 402 ft and like 128mph..."
2: "No way.."

You get the point. And no, I did not put in any wrong information. I know my Cedar Point. :D

Ben said:
I'll never get what bothers people about someone not instantly moving in a queue. YOU'RE NOT GETTING ON THE RIDE ANY FASTER LOVE!

Yeah, I always think that, but then thats because I'm normally the one holding people up :D

The 'know it all's' and comparisons I find funny. More often than not, everytime I visit either AT or TP, some in the queue will say "they've got on of these in America, but its like 800ft and 300mph", even when I'm queuing for Tidal Wave :roll:

So most annoying for me would be queue jumpers.
Most of those don't really bother me. Wrong comparisons and know it alls are entertaining, I enjoy meeting people like that in queues. Queue stoppers won't make the queue any longer, but queue jumpers will so I hate them. Also people behind you who stand really close, they won't ride any quicker by doing it so why bother.
Queue jumpers just walk right by you. They don't say anything. They just do it. You yell at them, they turn a blind eye. I hate them. *bleep* them all!
I cant stand the people who think they know everything, but really, they know nothing...

"Yeah, Storm Runner, it's the fastest coaster in the world, and, it's powered by nitro-glycerin, thats what all the hissing is!"

Ok, most of the statement I gave above, is true. At Hershey Park, people did think that Storm Runner was the fastest coaster on earth and they werent afraid to boast that...and I did hear some guy telling another that it was powered by nitro-glycerin...I got a good lauch out of that one.
Queue jumpers can die, so can braggers, but they're not as bad. Know-it alls and explainers are funny.

I met one who said 'they'd been on every ride on the planet,' and then the man said what was his favourite? The man then said 'this one,' whilst queueing for Colossus.

I also met this annoying bragger who said that 'they'd been on Rush 24 times, 8 in one day and was thinking of sending it a Valentines card.' What an idiot!
pinkpanther said:
I also met this annoying bragger who said that 'they'd been on Rush 24 times, 8 in one day and was thinking of sending it a Valentines card.' What an idiot!

Was that.......you, by any chance?

Fi said:
Also people behind you who stand really close

Oh yes, this happens alot to me at DLP, I think its a foreign thing, they really like to stand up your arse.

I remember queuing for Space Mountain once, I turned to look at Charlie, and there was this ****in ungly foreign bastards head, right by my shoulder.

And the foreigners at DLP always try to push in without being noticed, by like sliding against a wall, you just grab hold of their raincoats and pull 'em back.

That was not a stab against the foreign members of CF, because what I said is true.
^ Haha damn right!

We were queueing for BTMR and these foreigners were trying to push in, and when we said don't, the guy said "oh yes oh yes we no push in push in is bad". Then the git and his whole family pushed in anyway!

Chavs and people yeh, probably, but a grown man and his family pushing in?

Anyway, when the queue split they went a different line to us, and we got on ages before them, so screw them!

Damn queue jumeprs.