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Is Stampida rougher than Grand National?


Hyper Poster
Not long now until I go PA (5th August) and with Stampida Im not sure whether to expect a good ride, an alright ride or a piece of **** ride? Ive seen some love for it here but many complain about the roughness. I enjoy Grand National except at the back where its disgusting and thats a pretty brutal ride, surely Stampida cant be as bad since its no where near as old and parts have been recently retracked?
The level of Stampida's roughness depends on where you sit on the train and even which track you're on (red is smoother, although, you'll probably ride both to get the two creds). If you sit nearer the front and in the front half of a carriage, then it's not too rough, but as with most woodies, the ride is considerably rougher towards the back.

Grand National is awful in the very back row and Stampida can sometimes match it, but I usually quite enjoy it (my tolerance for wooden coaster roughness is quite high though). I can't remember the last I rode in the back because on my last couple of visits they've had the back rows taped off, so no-one could ride in them; take from that what you wish :wink:

I don't know what the re-tracking has done because that's just happened very recently, but I can only imagine there has been at least some improvement in terms of smoothness. Basically, don't go expecting a smooth woodie because it's not and don't expect any airtime because the Kumbak trains have ruined any opportunity of that pretty much. It's decent fun in most places, but if you're allowed to choose a seat, try and get a seat closer to the front for the likelihood of you enjoying it more there.
I find it smooth, Cookie I got quite alot of airtime it may be rough in some places but it is still definitely rerideable. I didn't find Nash rough and I did that in the back row.
I'm sure that it got re-tracked recently so that may help?

From memory, it's rougher but not as painful as Grand National can be, it's more rattle rough whereas I found Grand National was a bit up and down side to side rough.

See what you think of Tomahawk though.
Thanks for the feedback guys! It does sound like there is some fun to be had on Stampida and I'll expect an alright ride. I think I heard Tomahawk got new trains this year but I could be wrong.
Stampida is horrendous but Nash is one of the worst coasters on the Planet.

They're both piles of garbage but Stampida is more like a hate crime beating whereas a stay in Guantanamo is preferable to Nash.
I wont be too dissappointed if Stampida is absolutely ****, theres plenty of great stuff like Dragon Khan (the coaster I'm most excited for), Shambhala and Hurakan Condor.
You're all just pussies, there's far worse out there in terms of roughness than either of those two coasters (any RCCA for a start). Some of us actually enjoy a bit if freedom and movement in a ride.

But Stampida is rough 'in your seat' rather than rough 'throwing you around' like the Nash. It's **** though because it doesn't do anything with all that ferocity.
Ben said:
Stampida is horrendous but Nash is one of the worst coasters on the Planet.

They're both piles of garbage but Stampida is more like a hate crime beating whereas a stay in Guantanamo is preferable to Nash.

Ben is spot on the mark, this was what I was going to say.

Stampida is awful, so rough, so jerky, uncomfortable. But Grand National is so much worse, my spine ends up coming through the top of my head. Major POS.
Mysterious Sue said:
Some of us actually enjoy a bit if freedom and movement in a ride.
This, I love Grand National because it can feel so out of control and brutal. It's also why I love Tonnere de Zeus so much - the roughness of it just makes it so much more fun and relentless imo.
Sure it can be painful, but its bloody good fun :p.
Cant comment re. Grand National but Stampida was grim. If you're female- you'll need a VERY good bra. Ouch.
Rode both Stampida red and blue today! The retracked bits are fine but sadly make up only a small percentage of the coaster. Its fast and intense I'll give it that but the Red side was Infusion at the back rough and barely passable whilst the blue side near the back was an absolute hate crime of a coaster. I'll never ride either again unless they are completely retracked.

Additional notes: Grand National at the back row can be a nasty ride but this was considerably worse.