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Fluch von Novgorod Storyline?


Most Obnoxious Member 2016
Fluch von Novgorod is a ride that I've always thought looked really cool. The detailed queue line, the dark ride portion, the maze exit (a concept I LOVE), and just the general theme they seem to have selected was enough to make me want to do a Germany trip. It all looks so cool, but everything I've seen has indicated that there's a really in-depth story behind it. Now my second language is French, so while the whole thing looks cool, I can't understand any of the ride's backstory. Some context to this amazing theming would be really nice. Is there an English summary anywhere that I could read? I'm sure I'm not the only non-German-speaking enthusiast that likes this ride that wants to get some info as to the backstory that inspired it.

Thanks in advance!


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
The park created a series of videos with the story (which are all put together here), but it's in German so your French skills won't help much. :p


I don't have time to translate it, but you can skim through the construction topic.
I know Mark explained the story in English somewhere in here: http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... p?p=613839