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East Coast(er) Roadtrip 2K17- The most beautiful park I've been to!

Bat Fastard

Hyper Poster
Kings Island, 5/22
Well my massive 2K17 Coaster Cred trip is finally here and it started out with a bang! I woke up insanely early to drive 11 hours to Mason, Ohio. I would be meeting up with a friend here to begin our trip. So after that brutal, long and boring drive, ALONE, I was finally at the park!


It feels so good to be back.


Of course, like most enthusiasts would, I went straight for the brand new roller coaster that I had not ridden yet and was super excited to!


I love the theming around the ride, the spiel at the entrance I thought was cool and fitting and gets you excited to ride with the music playing. Also, the sound effect you hear when a train is at the top of the lift hill is super cool and a sweet noise that you can hear actually pretty far away from.



My first ride, the queue took about 30 minutes to get through. I have to give it to the operators, they really were booking it and were sending out trains in under a minute consistently.
I decided to do front row on my first ride.


And wow, what a ride! It is exactly what myself and many other people thought it would be, which is a suped up Prowler! This thing flies through the woods and provides some great pops of ejector air and laterals. It really is a fun, awesome ride. Now what about the shed? It was actually pretty decent! I already spoiled myself before hand and knew what was in there. It is much cooler in person than over a Youtube video.

After my first ride was done, I headed over to Banshee and got a quick front row ride. She has a rattle for sure, but she is still a great invert and still my favorite that I have been on.

I then went over to Diamondback to snag a front row ride, my first ever front row ride on it, and wow, it’s amazing up there! The airtime is more ejector in the front which is always a blast. Diamondback is still my favorite hyper.


After riding Diamondback and Banshee, I headed back over to Mystic for a back row ride. The queue had gotten shorter at this point, which was nice. Back row, you definitely get whipped around more, and the forces are greater back there. I can’t decide which I like more, front or back. Both are great but I think part of me slightly prefers back because you get whipped around and thrown up more. I got two back row rides in about a 30 minute time period.




After a 2nd spin on Diamondback, I booked it over to the Beast right before close so I could be on the last train of the day, which I was. It was still light outside, so no night ride. And this thing is still overrated. Fun ride, but nowhere near the greatest. At day at least though. At night it is much much better.

So that was my first day of the road trip! It was a brief visit to the park, but we will back for a full day visit later at the beginning of June. Stay tuned for many more parts to this trip report! Up next, Six Flags Great Adventure!
Oooh a big roadtrip! I'm very excited for this :D

I have to admit I overlooked Kings Island in the past, but Mystic Timbers + Diamondback + Banshee is quite a wonder trio. I enjoyed reading your impressions on this park, they're accurate and keep it short :) Looking forward to your report of SFGAdv and the rest!
Mystic Timbers looks great, I'm really glad they've put a ride in that area of the park. I found the The Beast quite overrated too, it's just too drawn out, trimmed and a bit weird. The night ride was certainly an interesting experience, but not enough to make me think of it as more than a 'decent' woodie.

Looking forward to more reports!
Six Flags Great Adventure, May 25th
So after four weeks of exhausting traveling and too many new creds to count, I finally have an opportunity to continue writing this report.

Six Flags Great Adventure was a super highly anticipated park for me on this trip, and well, I’ll just say it did not disappoint at all. We spent two days at the park on the trip, one right at the beginning and one towards the end. This is the report of the first day, I won’t be writing about the second day because it consisted of mainly just rerides. The only thing new we did that day was the Safari, which was really enjoyable although it took forever to get on.


We got to the park right around opening, not quite at rope drop, but maybe 30 minutes after. We weren’t too worried about crowds, as it was a weekday with school in the area still in session and the weather forecasted for bad weather (not bad enough to close creds though).


*Forgot to take picture of park entrance*
We went straight for the star of the show, a woodie commonly regarded as one of the best in the world.

They have a super strict no loose article policy, allowing absolutely nothing even in your pockets so you have to buy lockers. I got away with having my phone, keys and wallet tucked in a cargo pocket, but someone in my party didn't get as lucky and had to leave the line to go put their stuff in a locker. No big deal, the line was very short.



They were running two trains on it at the beginning of the day and took one off later in the day when crowds were almost none existent. One train had Kia Soul advertisements all over the train…. Not really fitting for this ride if I say so. First ride, we went straight to the back row. I was beyond pumped for this ride. Lets freaking go.


AND WOW, WHAT AN INCREDIBLE RIDE. The first drop is absolutely bonkers and is one of, if not my favorite first drop I have ever experienced. It just absolutely flings you over in the back row. The airtime hills give some of the absolute best airtime I have ever experienced, and gives great head choppers when it goes under itself. The Rolling Thunder hill is a religious experience and every coaster experience needs to experience it. At first, we only got one ride on it, because with the potential bad weather coming in, we had cred anxiety and wanted to get everything else done before getting rerides. I did get plenty more rides later in different rows, which I will talk about later on.


El Diablo had a cool plaza but we weren’t interested in a cookie cutter flat ride. El Toro went down soon after our first ride, and was INOP for about 30 minutes.


It was a super foggy day, and Ka was constantly covered. It looked fantastic, more on that later!


Bizarro was up next. I always thought this looked like one of the best B&M floorless coasters out there. I loved the entrance, with the big sign and walking straight under the cobra roll. This thing is freaking loud and it sounds awesome, absolutely love the old school Beemer roar.


They were running three trains, even though there were no crowds. Went to front row.


And wow, that was an awesome ride! The forces were great, the smoothness was there, and the theming, although cheap, worked surprisingly well. The dive loop and zero g roll were my favorite elements on this one, both provided great snap. The cobra roll was fine, along with the interlocking corkscrews. Later in the trip on our second visit, I was able to get a back row ride, and there is a bit of rattle and shakiness back there, nothing too unbearable though. This and SKC are really close for my favorite floorless.


Up next was their mine train cred. It wasn’t anything special, but there was quite a bit of whiplash and a very good pop of ejector towards the end.


This is the typical basic bitch money shot for Great Adventure.


Up next was their newest ride, Joker. I really enjoyed Batman the Ride at SFFT, so I was looking forward to getting this one.


This one wasn’t any different than the SFFT version. It was fun, but nothing remarkable. These things feel like flat rides more than roller coasters and are guilty pleasure rides to me. I just wish they weren’t so cookie cutter and Six Flags would stop putting them everywhere.


Kiddie cred time!


Holy mother of god that train is so damn long!!!!! Sitting in the back row, the front is already cresting the lift hill right as you and the back row are just getting on the lift!


Skull Mountain brought back (actually a lot of the rides) huge nostalgic memories from my Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 days, so I was excited to ride it just for that reason….


Sorry about this blurred image. It wasn’t anything fantastic but it was a fun little ride. I like Runaway Mountain at Over Texas way more though.


I’m a whore. They let us get on this one even with no kid.


I rode so many clones of this model of kiddie credit on the trip….
Up next we headed over to Movie Town for the big, sexy hyper coaster.



But first I had to take these cool shots of Batman….

I was super pumped for Nitro.


Hype for the Hyper.


As you can see in this picture, they were running 3 trains, when they very well could have gotten away with 2, IF NOT ONE. Crowds were non existent.


I had heard mixed things about this one…. Some people love it, some people think it’s super mediocre. I have to say, I love it! The airtime was great, there are lots of airtime hills, and it is very forceful in the helix before the mid course. After many rides, I determined that I think I like front just a bit better, because the airtime is more ejector up there, while in the back it is definitely more floater. Great coaster, got tons of laps on it.


Another Six Flags park, another BTR clone. Luckily they’re actually really fun and enjoyable rides.



These things are legit intense as crap and are always super fun.


One of the guys in our group was at 149 after BTR and he wanted to make Ka his 150th… So we skipped Dark Knight for the moment and headed to Ka so he could make this his big 150th instead of a wild mouse in a box.


If you haven’t noticed from most of the pictures in this report so far…. It was an extremely foggy day…. And most of Ka’s tower was almost half covered throughout the day, at times, the ENTIRE TOWER was covered… and they still were running it. Yeah, it was super cool.


Ok first off…. The new loose articles policy on this and Toro is really really ****ing annoying. I can kinda understand where they are coming from, but the execution wasn’t good. If you are going to make us put stuff in a locker… Make the damn lockers free. It’s super annoying that you have to spend MORE money (only a dollar, but still) on a locker, when zipper and cargo pockets will literally hold the items just fine. We were with a few park locals, and they stated on crowded days, they don’t have enough lockers sometimes and there is literally a line to get lockers….. C’mon man.

Now that I have that off my chest…. Lets talk about this ride. This had easily the longest queue of the day, around 30 minutes while everything else was walk on. We went front row first ride…. Holy ****ing crap that’s intense. Up front, it is not rough, and the launch is so damn wicked fast. In any other row…. rough and not fun. Rode it a total of 3 times, only once in the front. So what do I have to say on the inevitable TTD vs. KK comparison? Ka is better up front IMO, but Dragster beats it anywhere else. Overall, I like Dragster more, because it has lap bars and the theming is way cooler and the execution is done better. Oh, and riding this thing in heavy fog is bat**** insane. It was so damn cool getting to the top and looking over and not seeing anything, just fog.


Zumanjaro was closed the first time we tried, but we eventually came back and tried again, it was open. We rode it non VR and VR, each once. The view, was fantastic when there is no fog (we hit this park twice on the trip, the 2nd time was a sunny day) and is really really high you could say. The drop though, felt mediocre, I didn’t get the air I was expecting. Also, the VR on this thing sucks, the “drop” in the VR world wasn’t in synch with the real life drop, so it didn’t line up and I wasn’t able to brace for the sudden stop…. ouch.


Another shot of the fog.


Up next, the 3rd and final Superman Ultimate Flight clone for me. I always enjoyed these rides so I was excited to finally get back on one.


The queues on these things are super long and just keep going and going, but I love how they have the cutouts of villians and heros in the Superman comics.



It was fun as usual, the highlight being the big pretzel loop.


The parking lot was so empty. Most of the guests in the park were obnoxious school group kids.


Up next, the stand up. Oh boy, here we go. FYI that is NOT me in that picture, just some GP who felt the need to sit there for a good half hour doing who knows what.


Me being a pilot, I thought the theming was really cool, they have this jet on display and the station looks like an aircraft hanging… If there is any other aviation enthusiasts reading this, do you know what type of plane this is, if it’s even real? I saw it and had no idea what it is, I wasn’t even sure if it was a real aircraft or was just some fake and fictional model.




She was a pretty girl and was fun to look at, and this thing sounds fantastic too. Super loud and the roar is more high pitched and aggressive sounding than some of the low, deep roars that other Beemers have.


Ka from the station.


We went front row because we wanted as little pain as possible.


Yeah, it wasn’t too fun. It really hurts your legs and this is a headbanger for sure. Is it terrible though? Not necessarily, but it isn’t good either. It was pretty forceful though, I just had no desire to ride it again.


We did Houdini’s Great Escape also, I walked in with absolutely no clue as to what the ride was… and wow, what a cool experience! I’m not going to spoil anything for those who have not ridden it yet, but basically it’s kind of a giant optical illusion. Once you ride, you’ll know exactly what I am talking about.


Went back into Movie Town to get the Dark Knight credit. Nothing special, but it was a fun little ride. I knew what to expect already riding the one at GAm.


Headed over to Nitro for a few more re rides after.


No queues is a thing of beauty.

We headed over to Toro to finish up the day marathoning it. We got a total of 11 rides in over a 1 hour period. That does wonders for the soul, I highly highly recommend it. I discovered in the front row, the ejector air is stronger but doesn’t last as long, while in the back, it is longer and more sustained but isn’t the air isn’t as forceful and violent. It is absolutely fantastic in both seats though. The ride is rough in a few spots, most notably before the turnaround. However though, that doesn’t affect how I rank this ride. This thing is absolutely incredible, and gets my top spot. The airtime is so insane, the drop is probably the best drop I have ever experienced. I absolutely love how you can literally hear the unstop wheels on the two airtime hills following the drop. Sounds bat**** crazy and scares the crap out of people nearby. I am sad because I may not be out here for a while and won’t be able to experience it as much as I’d like.


Some of our stuff was still in a locker by Ka, so we went over there after closing to get it back, and I got this shot. That is Kingda Ka right there, absolutely covered by fog.


What the hell is this Six Flags? How GP can you get?


Overall, I absolutely loved this park. It definitely feels like a Six Flags park, but their lineup is fantastic. We got plenty and plenty of rides in on everything over the two days we were there, thanks to low crowds. Also, I came out with a new #1, which is always a good thing….

Final coaster lap count for the two days-
El Toro- 16
Bizarro- 3
Runaway Mine Train- 2
The Joker- 2
Harley Quinn- 2
Skull Mountain- 1
Roadrunner kiddie cred- 1
Nitro- 7
Batman the Ride- 2
Kingda Ka- 3
Superman- 2
Green Lantern- 2
Dark Knight- 1

Up next- One of, if not the prettiest park I’ve ever been to, Busch Gardens Williamsburg! Stay tuned…
What a great day to be at the park! Especially since the weather wasn't spiteful. It's nice to see someone with El Toro as their #1; not as common anymore, particularly after a big trip with lots of worthy competition. That first drop is just unbelievable.

Out of interest, was there a lot of stacking on Nitro and Bizarro? I remember both running 3 trains when I visited but the ride-ops couldn't handle it, particularly on Bizarro which often had 2 trains waiting on the brake run.
Great Adventure may not be the nicest park, but it looks like one of the better places to be in those crowd conditions! I need to get back there for El Toro (and Joker I guess), maybe towards the end of the summer.
Awesome report! The fog pictures are quite fab actually :p It's exciting to read your experience and I'm glad you've had suck luck with the wait times ^^
What a great day to be at the park! Especially since the weather wasn't spiteful. It's nice to see someone with El Toro as their #1; not as common anymore, particularly after a big trip with lots of worthy competition. That first drop is just unbelievable.

Out of interest, was there a lot of stacking on Nitro and Bizarro? I remember both running 3 trains when I visited but the ride-ops couldn't handle it, particularly on Bizarro which often had 2 trains waiting on the brake run.
Mainly on Bizarro they were stacking. They were running really well on Nitro though!

Alright everybody, it’s been way over a month since I wrote on this report. I’ve been super busy with work and also flying and finishing up my Instrument rating that I haven’t had much freetime, and when I do get it, I’m ****ing exhausted. So here is the next part.

Busch Gardens Williamsburg, 5/26


We arrived right around opening. The parking lot setup is kinda weird, and you take trams to the park entrance. This provided some great views of Tempesto and Apollo’s Chariot.



The entrance of the park was very nice… Immediately after entering the park you walk into a section with United Kingdom flags flying everywhere, it was really cool.


I’ll come back to you two later!


Being coaster enthusiasts, we went straight to the brand new GCI all the way towards the back of the park.


The entrance plaza was really neat and themed, especially with the dragon structure out front.



The queue was pretty full, took about 45 minutes to get through. We weren't entirely surprised considering it’s the brand new coaster at a major park on a Friday.


We rode back row our first ride. This ride is definitely on the smaller side. The trains look really cool with the bear and viking ship theming. Surprising, the trains are pretty small considering the crowds the park draws. The first drop was really cool, going into the tunnel and under the bridge, which provides a good headchopper. There was decent pops of airtime, nothing remarkable but still fun nonetheless. The final helix was probably my favorite part, it was very forceful. This thing is as smooth as you’d expect a brand new GCI to be. It was a fun little ride, nothing spectacular but definitely a good ride to fill a gap in the park's lineup.






Alpengeist is such a photogenic and beautiful ride. It’s a massive invert, when you see it in person you really get the true scale of its size.



Up next, the most themed coaster in the park by far, Verbolten. Going into it, I wasn't expecting much.


The theming in the queue is really cool and interesting. This was good because the queue was relatively long and we had to wait about 45 minutes, again.



The trains looked very cool and really popped with their bright colors. The station was super crowded so we just went into the shortest line for our row. We’d come back for rerides later anyways.



This was definitely a coaster that surprised me, I liked it so much! The launch(s) are forceful, the indoor section is themed really well along with a very forceful, greyout inducing helix and a neat droptrack. The only thing I found disappointing with this ride was the drop before the brake run was a bit of a letdown and didn't really give much airtime. Oh, the German lady talking in the station is so ****ing annoying, just a heads up.




Two hours into my visit and I was already loving this park. It is a beautiful place, definitely the nicest looking park I’ve been too.



Up next, my first Sky Rocket II model, Tempesto. They looked like fun little rides to me, but nothing to get super hyped up about.


The queue was relatively short considering capacity and how packed the park was so far today. Only took about 20 minutes.



And another surprise! I really liked it, thought it was a lot better than I was expecting. It has a fun launch, especially when you fly through the station. You get some pretty good ejector air throughout and the hang time at the top is great. My only flaw with it was that it was a bit rattly. Unfortunately we were only able to get one ride, it was relatively crowded the rest of the day.




Of course while in the area, we hopped in line for the sexy B&M hyper coaster right next door. Me being a Minnesota Vikings fan, I was quite fond of the paint job on this one. It was a quick line, 15 minutes. We went front row for our first spin.



And wow, it was actually pretty damn good considering it was the first B&M hyper! The airtime was more ejector in the front, more so than any other Beemer hypers, and I really enjoyed the layout on this ride. The turnaround helix is forceful and towards the end, the “interaction” with the water ride and the small bunny hills provided some great forces. Definitely a top tier B&M hyper for me.




We took the train to get to the other side of the park, which gave for some great views around the park and of InvadR




It was time for the big and sexy dive coaster. Griffin has always looked like a great ride to me and it was my last dive coaster in the United States left to ride. The track is MASSIVE compared to other Beemers, I don’t remember Valravn’s track being this wide.

This thing is a people eater, obviously because of the 10 across seating. We were on front row within 10 minutes.



This is so so so much better than Valravn. The drop is way better because you actually get airtime, and their were several pops of ejector throughout the ride. The splashdown was fun and is super photogenic. I know Valravn is longer, taller and faster, but this does so much more for me and feels more complete.



Alpengeist was up next. Like I said earlier, this thing is massive. Like all of the B&Ms here, it is really photogenic. First ride, we went front row, the queue was a bit longer compared to Griffin, we waited about 30 minutes.



And it was OK. Definitely a bit on the rougher side for a B&M invert. Some of the transitions were rather violent and uncomfortable. The inversions were all massive and fun and forceful despite a very noticeable rattle. This isn’t anywhere near the top of my list for favorite B&M inverts but it isn’t my least favorite either. Not necessarily a bad ride, just not as good as I was hoping.



Umm that’s kind of weird…


This park is very hilly, which combined with 95 degree weather meant we got exhausted pretty quick and were sweating quite a bit.


Beemer porn



I’d imagine it is very rare to be able to get a picture of Alpengeist, LNM and Griffon all lining up in the same shot… Loch Ness Monster’s interlocking loops looked super cool. Time to ride and experience it!



We had skip the line passes for this one, so we were able to skip a 30 minute wait. The ride was relatively mediocre, kinda on the rougher side but the interlocking loops and the tunnel was cool. Overall, it’s fun to look at but not so fun to experience.




We were able to get the kiddie cred in the park, and I remember it being fairly aggressive for a kiddie cred.


Curse of DarKastle I was excited for because I really like dark rides, and honestly it was kinda meh to me. I didn’t really care for the visuals because they were a bit too cartoony for my taste, and some of the screens weren’t even working. I got a second ride later and the same thing happened, some of the screens were out.


Cool theming!


Pompeii was a cool themed water ride, but I am absolutely terrified of fire so it kinda startled me when there was the big fire scene during the dark ride section…


One thing I absolutely loved about this park was the food selection. There was so much variety in food choice and it wasn’t your typical theme park food. It was very good and they give you lots.



Now that we had all the creds done, it was time to get rerides in. Got a back row spin on Griffon and it was just as good as the front, you really do get yanked over that drop and those normal B&M restraints let you get actual airtime unlike a certain dive coaster.




Went for a backrow ride on Alpengeist and for some reason, I found it smoother and less rattly in the back than I did up front… not sure if I just got a bad ride the first time, but it was much better the 2nd time. This invert is pretty good, but it’s not the best invert out there.


The theming on Verbolten is fab.

After that, we went and got two more rides on Apollo’s Chariot, one of which was a night ride. This is a really fun B&M hyper and is definitely near the top of my list as far as B&Ms go.


We booked it back to InvadR for LROTNOI (last ride of the night on InvadR), this time we did it front row and I liked it way better there. The ejector air was better up front and riding it at night was cool. It was a good way to end the great day.


Mystic Timbers?


Overall, I absolutely loved this park and had a great time. It is defenitely my prefered of the two main Virginia parks, although Kings Dominion has the best coaster in the state, easily, all of which I will discuss in the next part of this report, stay tuned…. I won’t be so long like I was for this, yeah I’m sorry about that..
Ride count-
Apollo's Chariot-3
Loch Ness Monster-1

Up next- Kings Dominion!
Good to hear you enjoyed yourself! BGW was equally as lovely during my visit last summer, and one of the stand out parks of the trip for me. Although I would have liked to get Invadr. ;)