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Do you live in a good area or bad area?


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Strata Poster
I live in a good area. Like it's a big community, really nice homes, a golf course and other such things, so it's a pretty nice area and as far as I know nothing bad happens.


Strata Poster
People don't get shoot or stabbed down my street. So yes, a good place. Couple of miles south of me.. Not so good however!


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
Nice. Very nice. :--D
As furie already knows & some of you lovelies will find out this summer.


Hyper Poster
Well, by Ed's post, I guess my area is unsafe seeing as a lady shot her husband to death outside my window a few weeks ago...

That said, it's actually pretty nice so long as you go towards campus and not towards other parts of the city nearby.


Staff member
Social Media Team
We do live in a nice area. Contrary to popular belief, Bristol is actually a thriving city and a great place to live. The actual area I live in is pretty good. Not the best, but definitely not the worst!


CF Legend
Winter its bad its just not safe to walk down the Sea front by yourself at night.

In the summer its ok but really busy.

Southend is a really strange place, one sec you are in a rough area the next your in a rick area.

The main problem in Southend is chavs.

Do I feel safe? not really but its better than it was in Ilford.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
Thornton Heath is a **** hole...

Croydon is marginally better, but not by much...

Does have a good branch of Nando's though...


Giga Poster
tks said:
People don't get shoot or stabbed down my street. So yes, a good place. Couple of miles south of me.. Not so good however!

The only law breaking that went on used to be No.43's kids who drove mini-motos up and down the street. :lol:


CF Legend
Although everyone jokes about Gosport being a crappy place to live it's not bad at all in my area. It's safe for me to go out for a walk late at night and I've not seen anything bad happen apart from a kid steal something from Coop once.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
Ollie said:
I've not seen anything bad happen apart from a kid steal something from Coop once.


There's really not a lot to do in Gosport is there if the best place to steal stuff from is a Co-op...

Sounds like Stafford and all the 'cool' kids hanging out at Asda...


Giga Poster
I live in a small village under the south downs in West Sussex called Washington.

Its a fine area. Lots of countryside and sticks and all that boring crap. The people are ether stuck up bastards (who moan to the trusties over us parking 2ft back too far) or Chavricks.

Ashington is full of posh chavs and wannabe ganstas and pissheads that generally play football that want to give Beckham anal. It has one particular estate which is a stear clear zone called pen-gardens. Very few good people. I wouldn't walk through our villages at night on my own as you are likely to have a bottle cracked over your head. But in the daytime its a different world and its fine.

It wierd as Steyning is a bit nicer. But still the same types that seem to be obsessed by Brighton and clubbing and getting pissed?? Strange people.

I've heard outsiders say it all seems rather posh down here, but I don't think so. All that and I still kinda like it and woudn't want to move.


Strata Poster
Concord is not bad, but it's not much. We're literally a little dot on any map with nothing exciting going on to have people visit.

Nearby Jackson, however, is a **** hole. So much so that someone made a rap saying how **** it is.


Giga Poster
I'd say my area is quite safe, I can happily wander around at any hour of the day or night and feel at ease, though my area is surrounded by a lot of bushland so the main thing that can cause you to jump is if a possum or something decides to suddenly make an ugly noise.

...Gangs etc are uncommon in Aus, and Brisbane doesn't have those large tower estates.


Giga Poster
I live in a better part of Tampa, pretty family friendly, plus my neighborhood is gated.

If you go further south, however, it can get pretty rough.


Mega Poster
Where I live is a dump, where people get stabbed in the streets (well they do downtown anyway.) My street is pretty boring aswell with curtain twitchers who have nothing better to do then squeel to the police averytime there's trouble. Some people are racist trouble makers who like to make trouble for my family and other asians.:shock:


CF Legend
My area pretends to be posh, up the road there is a lovely area full of big houses etc and a very posh and expensive golf course. However it's not a great area either, quite a lot of chavs and gangs of 'hard' kids hanging outside the local chippy etc. Meh, I just tend to ignore them.


Strata Poster
Well, Milton Keynes is on the whole very good, but has some "bad areas".

Thankfully, Furzton isn't as bad as some of the scab-holes around here, but it is by no means good.
n on the whole, still very nice, but a few weeks ago I actually thought I was in Liverpool when I saw lots of police vans, teen mums and vandalism on a short trip to the local shop. To top it off, I heard a scouser in the shop. It was rather frightening.

We have lots of chavs, to be expected of in MK, but I've only been attacked in Shenley Brook End, which is a much nicer estate.
Windsor, as a whole, is pretty bad considering the fact that we border Detroit and all of the underage drinkers come over here and cause problems. Our crime rate has also increased a huge amount in the past few years, too.

My neighbourhood is decent though, I mean, most of my neighbours are alcoholics but there isn't much crime.

Crime isn't the biggest of our worries, though..

THE ECONOMY, ugh.. As some of you may know, Windsor is home to the three major car plants, GM, Ford, and Chrysler. Well, thousands of people get laid off every year, and those that do try to get whatever jobs they can get, leading to it being very hard to get employed. Not only the car industry though.. Windsor is the biggest border crossing location in all of Canada, and we rely on the fact that we have a huge Casino here, and all the underage kiddies from across the border come over for some fun and spending. But, when they put the passport law in effect, we lost so much business it's not even funny.

I think they said out of anywhere in Canada, Windsor's economy was hit the hardest because the car industry went down big time, and the passport law came into effect all at the same time.