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Dessere (B&M floorless lift/launch, completed, DL up)


Roller Poster
Edit- DL link here
if that doesn't work, tell me.

Dessere is basically a B&M floorless with an intamin accelerator shoved onto the end. I'm just about done with it, but there are a few kinks I still need to work out before I put it up for DL. blah blah blah here are the pics :--D




beginning helix and jojo roll
after that it goes through a tunnel and up the lift hill and..


interesting first drop, no?


the standard B&M floorless half




the launched half. inverted top hat and zero g roll instead of a standard air time hill

So yea, that's it for now, haha, I'll get a download link up asap, if anyone wants to ride it. Constructive or destructive criticism welcomed!


Hyper Poster
I've never posted in the NL section before... I don't even use the program... but this is ridiculous! It's quite brilliant in the most mental way. Congratulations.


Strata Poster
The best way I can describe this is inconsistent.

But don't take too much offense to it, as you show a lot of creativity and much room for improvement. What you have layout wise is good, however I feel it's too inversion heavy and rather long. Supporting is mixed, both in what you built and prefabs. A general rule of thumb is prefabs are a no no, and should be avoided. Construction is...mixed. Some inversions are good, while other were rough and not heartlined. The lift hill also wasn't straight, which could be fixed with control-I (command I for macs).

Overall, don't give up! My first rides were on par with this, it just means more time and practice. Keep on building!
