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Children In Need


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Social Media Team
A-Kid said:
Hate any Africa ones. No matter how much money gets pissed on it, the country will not be changed.

Yeah, I think the money would be better spent over here on education; Geography is especially underfunded it seems.

I had no idea it was even on last night, though it does explain all the people out to ruin my night out in town last night by wearing tacky costumes and thrusting buckets in my face in every bar I went in.

I can't stand TV charity events. Oooohhh look, we can raise money for important causes and have a fun, wacky and hilarious time while doing it!

No, because the actual programs are s**t.


CF Legend
nealbie said:
You can't slam successful organisations for being media heavy and then say that charities need to advertise to be successful. That's just double standards. :p
That's my point! It's annoying, but it's sadly something it has to do to get people to care. :(

And, I was watching children tell me they had no washing machine and one set of clothes. And The concept that they couldn't afford a £2 t-shirt and £4 pair of trousers from primark is beyond me?? They must be getting goverment benefits? Also, you can do washing without a washing machine. There was never an explanation for how this child's family were SO poor to legitimise the facts or give them context.


Strata Poster
The only way I contibruted to Children in Need this year and every year is paying 50p into my school for the own clothes day, carrying my c.13 year old pudsey around with me for a day or two and finally watching the show.

But with what nearly everyone is complaining about, I recently had to go without a dishwasher and heating for ages. Look, I'm here on my £400 pound laptop doing fine. Did I go complaining to the BBC for money? No.


CF Legend
I watched it, but, we recorded it on Sky+ and watched it later so we could fast-forward through all the poor people.


Staff member
Social Media Team
^Poor and needy are my two least favourite personality traits.


CF Legend
I almost forgot




Giga Poster
Nah my charity extends to sleeping with ugly women when I'm under the influence.....

Ok I'm kidding, kind of, but I'll give to what charities I want, when I want to give to them. I don't need a load of poor grade celebrities trying to convince me I'm a **** for not supporting this one.

I didn't watch it, just incase you couldn't work that out....