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Best colour scheme


Giga Poster
Probably have been done before but I couldn't find it with the search engine.

Which coaster according to you has the best looking colour scheme? Don't bother of the layout, track shape, location etc, it's just the colour combination that's interesting!

Personally I like subtle supports that enhance the track. Coasters like Dragon Khan and Desert Race does this very good with the colour of their supports, they almost vanishes and it looks like floating track in the air. Love both coasters! But a more interesting colour combination is definitely the one on Goliath, Walibi World. The sexy green colour blends in perfectly with the purple and is the major reason imo to why it's such a fantastic looking ride!
Some of my favourites include:

- Nitro
- Bizarro
- Kingda Ka (haha, Great Adventure seems to do well with their colour schemes I guess)
- Wicked Twister
- X2 before it got repainted

Stealth's is also pretty interesting and unique, but I wouldn't say it's one of my favourites.


Strata Poster
I've always really liked Goliath's at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, I mean just look at it!




Giga Poster
I absolutely LOVE Manta's color scheme, those blues are just so perfect for that ride.

Also, Cheetah Hunt's colors are nice, much better together than I thought they would be.

There are others that I can't think of right now. :p


Hyper Poster
Even though I don't rate the coaster that much, I think Nemesis Inferno looks so cool.

I just wish the rails were black.


There's just something about Millennium Force's blue as well.


Love it, and not entirely sure why.


Giga Poster
Orochi's all white colour scheme was pretty damn unique, not quite sure if I like it or not though. I do in some pictures and not in others.


Nemesis's rust colour scheme deserves a mention aswell, definately one of my favourites. Also Airs colours are quite nice and fit the theme well.

This is one of the best colours I have seen in a while aswell, can only wonder what colour the supports are going to be, white maybe?



Giga Poster
Nemesis when it was like this:



The track/supports so badly need repainting. It doesn't even resemble anything of the original colours now its faded so much.

Other than that. Blues and Silver together. Turquoise and Cream. I LOVE Colossus how it originally was in the opening year.


Quite the contrast between now and then. It looks like a completely different ride.







X2. MilF. EGF. Alpie. Diamondback. Griffon. Xcelerator.

Wicked Twister!!!


Anything really bright and in your face. Even Intrimadator McDonald colours.


CF Legend
Colossus! Lots of love for Leigh right now! <3

And yeah, the track used to look fab.... but now it's all about the plantlife <3

Oh, and Piraten's colour scheme REALLY works - as will Monster's when it's painted! :lol:

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
Original X was the ****...


But really... I don't know... It's not something that really affects my taste in rides...

Steel Hawg has a funky scheme though...



Mega Poster
Maybe it's partly the setting, but I really like Kwasemi:


And maybe I'm just biased, but grey with pink rails sounds horrible, but I think it works very nicely:



CF Legend
^ I think all the mega-lites look sexy - perhaps it's the design <3

But clearly, I'm also a bit biased because (not-so) secretly, I'm a dirty Intamin perv :p